he said he needed space

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  • #483790 Reply

    This just really sucks
    I know
    Someone said “don’t say that” but I can’t help it

    #483859 Reply

    I’m still trying here
    I know it’s only been since Wednesday but it sucks
    I know I don’t need him I want him
    I miss him and I love him

    #483916 Reply

    I’ve been re-reading this thread
    I haven’t called or txted or emailed him
    Which is really good for me
    It’s tough ..
    Anyone around?

    #483918 Reply

    I’m sorry to hear you are still having a hard time.
    Instead of focusing on how hard this is go out and do something you like.
    Maybe go see a movie, get some holiday shopping done, or go out with some girlfriends.

    #483945 Reply

    You need to let him go.

    You need to concentrate on yourself and move on… Then and only then you will start being the woman he might want to be around plus you will feel so relieved you might not want him back at all.

    Delete his phone number, pictures and stop obsessing or you will never have a healthy relationship with anyone.

    #484031 Reply

    Still really missing him

    #484041 Reply

    Be- I now it hurts and yes, sometimes it sucks! You seem so down and just keep posting words that are hurting you and keeping you down, “I miss him”, “it’s hard”, etc. Yes it is, but you can’t change that right now.

    You know if you want any chance at all, you need to not contact him, pull up your big girl panties and distract yourself.

    What are you going to do today? Please take the others advice and get out and do something, anything, even if you don’t want to. Force yourself to get out for a distraction please.

    #484115 Reply

    Do you think he’s even thinking of me

    #484118 Reply

    I haven’t contacted him

    #484119 Reply

    Beth…just have a minute but I wanted to check in to see how you were doing.

    In answer to your questions, is he thinking of you, of course none of us can know that. If I had to guess I would say that he is not. HOWEVER, while I know you would think it’s a terrible thing if he wasn’t thinking of you, it actually might be a good thing. Again, men and women are different in this respect. When we have a relationship problem, we ruminate over it and think about it constantly. We are able to do this while we deal with the other things in our daily lives and it’s how we work through a problem in our own minds.

    Some men (maybe most men), on the other hand, often start sorting through a relationship problem by NOT thinking about it for a bit. Putting the problems out of their minds for a while can be essential to their process of resolving conflict. They clear their minds of it for a bit and when they are ready, they begin thinking it through. I know my own bf has done this early in our relationship and with other relationships, because he flat out told me this when we were discussing relationship conflict in general. Other men I know have said the same thing.

    Even though you haven’t seen each other in two weeks, you hit the “reset button” when you texted a few days ago and he told you to stop. At that point, the space he asked for “started over” from the point where you texted him (so don’t do it again! :-) ), so, he isn’t thinking that he hasn’t seen you in two weeks and he misses you. He’s thinking that you violated his request for space a few days ago and he hasn’t had time to miss you, and his “space” started over from right then.

    So please don’t worry whether or not he’s thinking of you because, as a man, he might not be at this point and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Remember…you are giving him the GIFT of space and compassion for his feelings. PLEASE try to look at it that way and it may help.

    #484121 Reply

    Hi Kate
    Thanks for checking in
    I haven’t called or txted or anything
    But having a tough time
    I wish he’d miss me… It really sucks you know
    I’m trying so hard … So hard …

    #484122 Reply

    I just really want to hear from him

    #484124 Reply

    Sweetheart, that NEEDINESS is never, ever allow you to have a healthy relationship with anybody.

    Have you ever tried going to therapy?

    I’m really sorry you’re feeling like this but exactly that attitude is killing all your chances with this guy, I know you’re not calling or texting but this need to be in contact, to feel validated is what caused all the problem in the first place.

    #484125 Reply

    I understand…but I want to make sure you understand the reasons why you aren’t hearing from him, and that it might not be the worst. It might not be the ens. That the time he’s taking may bring him to realize that he DOES miss you and wants to work things out. It might NOT, but it just might. So as much as it hurts, do you understand that him taking a mental break MIGHT be the best thing for relationship?

    #484126 Reply


    It was 3 weeks for me before he contacted me, I thought I would not make it, but I did. I had a physical heart ache, some days I thought I won’t be able to get out of bed.

    You are only on week ONE, I am sure he would contact you before Christmas.

    I already said that before, but I don’t think you noticed, but do not rush to him once he contacts you. If he sees just how anxious you are he would pull away again. You need to play it light and cool, as if you start dating again and you are “baiting” him to chase you. Flirt lightly, and do not have sex, this is KEY, do not give him sex easily.

    I am concerned about why are you still saying that doing nothing is weird. You reread the whole threat you said? But we told you why, many times, we told you that once you disappear from his life for some time, this is when he will first get his frustration out, and this can be 2 weeks, and then he will start missing you. And then he will start wondering why are you not chasing him and begging him to fix things.

    Why is it still weird to you?

    Stay strong, you are going to make it, we all did, and we all survived, and you are not broken up yet, so it is IMPERATIVE that you respect what he asked for.

    Remember Kate’s analogy, every move on your part, anything at all, a FB like or anything, will make him step back towards the edge of the cliff.

    #484127 Reply

    Ok, I get what it is to miss someone… but I don’t think missing him is what the problem is really. It’s that you feel a threat to your relationship and you want to know where you stand. You just want everything to be OK again.

    I get that, and I understand that it’s hard. Sometimes distractions aren’t distracting enough.

    You really, really need to try to distract yourself though, and to change how dependent you’ve become on this man. You need to love yourself more than you love him.

    Can you think of any ways to make a start on that, while you have time apart?

    #484134 Reply

    I think that’s it too
    I feel like nothing is ok – I want to know things are ok that he doesn’t hate me and we’ll see each other again
    I guess it’s weird to me because I have never tried that tactic before
    The cliff analogy is very visual I get it
    But it’s still hard

    #484135 Reply

    Yes Maria I did notice when you said that about not. Jumping when /if I hear from him

    #484137 Reply

    I know. It is hard but you can get through it. Yes, the cliff analogy is excellent. Keep that at the forefront of your mind.

    If you could think of one tiny thing, not related to him, that would make you feel better, what would it be?

    #484146 Reply

    Being on a beach somewhere

    #484147 Reply

    I am trying to have some empathy
    I just thought he’d miss me by now

    #484150 Reply

    Beth it’s only been since Wednesday hasn’t it? Thats not very long at all. If he got to the point he did with you, it’s going to take time for him to calm down and miss you. It sounds like you’re obsessing about this a bit.

    #484151 Reply

    Beth, the desperation is palpable. You won’t even allow yourself to focus on anything else.

    This guy is truly not the issue. I can almost guarantee that even if he comes back he will not stay. Not because you are not good enough, but because you have made him your entire focus.

    This is obsessive. It’s not good in any way.

    This is all about your unhealthy mindsets and overwhelming need for outside validation.

    I honestly believe it would be more beneficial if he doesn’t come back. Hear me out, because I don’t say this to be mean.

    If he comes back I seriously doubt you will do the hard work needed on yourself. More likely you will revert back to what caused this. It’s almost a guarantee-because you won’t have fixed the cause, which is buried inside you.

    You mentioned this behavior has permeated your other relationships. So it doesn’t sound like you looked at what behaviors you own, and needed to address/change.

    I said it before, but I believe you can not be in any successful relationship with your current mindset.

    You must detach from him and recognize the only relationship that matters right now is the one you have with yourself.

    The fact that he yelled and used profanity (because you suffocated him) makes me believe he isn’t coming back anyway. Not that that was ok, but it highlights how wrong all of this is.

    I dated a guy like you, once upon a time. He made me crazy. At month 2 I was already turned off by him. At month 3 I started to despise him. I only stayed that long because of pressure from friends and family, who hadn’t seen his insecure behavior yet. I never yelled or used bad language, but I ended it, and never had any desire to take him back. Honestly the break up was a huge relief. Once the attraction was gone (his needy behavior killed it), it was gone completely and for good.

    For your own sanity you need to stop thinking about him and start focusing on you

    #484152 Reply

    I am Trying to get some consouling-I have an appt for the 15th
    I am trying not just because of him but for me

    #484153 Reply

    I am glad you are going, but the only reason you should do it is for yourself.

    Not for him or anyone else. Once you come to terms and deal with what is going on in your head, it will organically improve all of your interpersonal relationships.

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