Why doesn't he want to spend time with me?

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  • #458834 Reply

    Hi everyone,

    My question is how much time and effort should I expect my boyfriend of 8 months to give? We are both late 30’s divorced with teenagers. I see him one night (and sometimes the next day) on the weekend and mostly one evening a week. This week I haven’t seen him at all despite him not having kids at home or anything else on! He says he loves me. I believe him. He is planning a vacation in a years time with me and my kids so I don’t think he would do that if he didn’t want us to be together. He is very communicative with his emotions and constantly tells me how lucky he is to have found someone he wants to be with for the rest of his life.

    He is texts and calls me each day, but only on his commute home from work. Then he spends the night at home watching TV. It is getting very frustrating to me that our relationship is not progressing in terms of time spent together, all of my other relationships have naturally progressed by this point. I feel like I have to push to see him. He talks about us moving in together, but we haven’t even spent a full 24 hours with each other ever!! I try not to push seeing him, as I want him to want to, not only do it out of obligation.

    I’m starting to think he may just be selfish or lazy, wanting me to be there when he feels like talking to someone or going out, but not making the effort to really integrate into “us”, rather than “him”. I am a pretty confident person and have a busy schedule. I don’t think I’m an overly needy girlfriend in general. When you love someone isn’t it natural to want to spend time with them? Perhaps he is just one of those guys who values their freedom and alone time more than their relationship. I think for me, it isn’t even so much the amount of time we spend together, more the fact that it doesn’t feel like he cares if he sees me or not. I don’t think he misses me much when we are apart.

    Is this me being too demanding?

    #458840 Reply

    My advice is to pull back a little – don’t initiate anything at this point. Let him come to you. Try not to let any negativity show in your interactions with him, as this would stress him out. Be present (but not too available), happy and positive and try to keep the mood light when you interact/see each other.

    I recommend doing this for the next two weeks. Let him initiate everything. Then, after that time if you don’t notice him putting in any more effort, you will probably have to say something. After all, he is your boyfriend of 8 months. Communication should be open and honest. I’ll bet he doesn’t even realize there’s a problem.

    As far as how you should word your question/concern, I’m really not sure. That’s a tough one. I would defer to other, wiser and more experienced women who frequent this forum. But I wish you the best of luck in getting what you want.

    #458851 Reply

    Wow I could have written this myself.. I’m having this same exact problem and have been confronting my boyfriend about it. I just left him about 4 text messages on why he isn’t here with me tonight cuddled up under me. I’m tired of being alone without a man here at night. He talked about moving in with me aswell all his idea. But haven’t made a move yet. Smh I feel like he doesn’t miss me either. If I were you I would confront him on this issue and see if he makes any changes its Better to confront the problems rather than wait around for him to change. Because he probably doesn’t see a problem with it…

    #458852 Reply

    I agree that he may not even be aware that it is an issue for you. Talk to him, but make sure you’re coming from a loving place. Rather than attacking him or drawing negative attention to his actions, try saying something like, “I really enjoy spending time with you, do you think we could spend more time with each other?” Or “I really love it when you call me on your way home and I would love to hear from you at other times throughout the day too.”

    #458855 Reply

    You have needs, he has needs. In a relationship we try (within reason) to meet these for each other. It is odd he doesn’t want to see you more, and the phone calls sound to me like he’s simply ‘filling a gap!’ To make his commute more bearable.
    I agree, speak to him face to face…though who knows when that will be? Lol Ask him what his needs are regarding time with his partner/girlfriend, what he is comfortable with, what has worked for him in the past, then tell him what your idea, needs from a relationship are. You may just be a bad match, and that’s okay if you can both work something out. But if not then better to know now. After all, what is the point of being in a relationship if you feel unsatisfied, unsure and less than loved???
    He may be giving you all he can offer, you have to decide if this is enough or can it change?
    My gut feeling with the phone calls was ‘married man’ but you will know more about that than l do. And also, even though its 8 months, his actions are still important. He seems to be saying the right things – but he isn’t ‘doing’ anything is he?
    Good Luck.

    #459154 Reply

    Thanks ladies, good advice from all.

    I haven’t said anything much to him, but then again I haven’t seen him either! I did have an odd conversation with him today where we talked about getting together on the weekend. He mentioned that we don’t see each other enough so we have to make the most of it. The way he said it was really nice and he made it clear how much he was looking forward to seeing me, but I couldn’t help thinking if he doesn’t think we spend enough time together then why doesn’t he seem to want to? He was saying how much he missed me.
    It’s a strange one. Last night he was giving all these details of the big trip overseas he wants us to book. He has gone into a lot of detail with it and I asked him if he thought how we were going to all get along spending 5 weeks together seeing as we have never even spent a full 24 hours together. He said we would all know each other so well by then. Doesn’t it take spending time with a person to get to know them? I’m scratching my head over it. I’m not sure if he is stringing me along for when it suits him or he is trying to be considerate of my busy schedule and not pressuring me into dates. Men!!??

    I hope that everyone else going through a similar thing are getting resolved. It’s not the worst situation in the world, but it’s frustrating,

    #459160 Reply

    I think you are doing really well…not blowing up his phone and not talking issues of any kind till you see him face to face. Superb!
    You are observing, something most of us women don’t do. I would say give it some more time. He is showing all signs of wanting a future with you. Try and turn him down on the one day he wants to see you and see what his reaction is like. Suggest another day instead.
    Sounds like a ‘set bachelor’ who has his life scheduled like he likes it and will only add on activities of his choice…

    #459176 Reply

    Also, are you really yourself when you are with him? I mean if he is your bf from so long, he should feel signs when you are troubled or not happy,..in your voice, in your expression…have you ever had a real fight and overcome it together?

    #459190 Reply

    He’s clueless.

    and that’s not a bad thing, some men are just ‘ok’ the way things are as long as your not nagging at them they think we’re ok. the fact that me made mention that you don’t have enough time together i would kinda ride on that, like follow up with “yea your right what do you think or how can we do better in that area” see what he comes back with.

    And as Andrea said, if your in his presence he should pick up on your mood or lack of attention somehow to ask you if your alright. We are so afraid to rock the boat that we put our needs and stuff aside while we suffer in silence, that’s not cool.

    In my case only been 2months and due to the shared custody of my children I can only see my guy once-twice a week and one weekend a month. He has come to take me to lunch on occasion so that adds a great deal to the mix. But I know he misses me – tells me all the time even when were’ together that he’ll miss when I go. Not a day goes by without some form of conversation even if its about the weather, or what we ate today.

    Men and women are not mind-readers, am sure you heard that before and its true, We also don’t need to be nagged and harassed (glad your not blowing up his phone etc). Just hwoever you talk to him do so with love as Leila said and not attack.

    #562298 Reply

    I’m 27 and me and my boyfriend have been together for 6 years and the past 2 years it feels like he not interested in doing anything with me or in anything I have to say I feel so lonely and unhappy I have told him how i feel and he just tells me to stop being childish it’s like it goes in one ear and out the other I don’t no what to do any more

    #562312 Reply

    Men do what they want. If he has not escalated, it is because he does not want to. I am all for making sane requests, but if this guy is a go home and watch tv guy, that is who he is. Take it or leave it.

    #593755 Reply

    Honestly i thought i was the only person going through such, ive been with my boyfriend for 7 months now and i really love him but it seems he only wants to see me when it suits him or do things only when wants to do them we used to see each other every weekend but now its come down to one or two ween=kends a month.
    when im not with him he’s usually visiting his family out of town. there is a bit of an age gap between us he’s a couple of years older than me not too old about 7 years older than me he says he loves me and i believe him i really do but he just isnt putting in any effort and when i tell him i ant to spend more time with him he says im clingy and he starts counting all the time where he spent a full weekend with me and/or more at this point i dont know what to do.

    #593760 Reply

    He is promising the moon and stars but it is all hot air.

    I had a guy do this once. He was long distance and kept saying how we are going to be together, buy a house with a big yard, etc. but he rarely ever came to see me. In fact he even stopped talking to me on the phone but kept blowing smoke up my butt. I finally got fed up and looked for someone in my own city.

    In retrospect, the guy was just stringing me along by text and he actually was doing this was several women. It was for his ego. Nothing to do with me.

    RUN, RUN, RUN.

    #593953 Reply

    I’m with the pulling back a little suggestion… I’ve there and it was worked for me. We’ll miss you and put more effort to see you but won’t see it as a “problem”. If you talk to him directly he’ll see it as if you’re unhappy and doing things bad.. not saying you shouldn’t talk to him if you want to BUT I would recommend trying to pull back first.

    Best of luck! :)

    #593997 Reply

    This is one of the best threads I have seen on this forum. All the advice/suggestions (so far) are positive and helpful, IMO. I think a lot depends on one’s living circumstances. Me and my guy are 55+. He has always been single, I was married for 25 years, and have been single for 15 years. He and I love our times together, but we also each love our own space and freedom to watch TV, lay on the sofa and take a nap or go out with platonic friends. There was a time years ago when I thought I had to have someone around me all the time–I had a husband & 4 children during that time. Since I have been single (and alone but not lonely), I have become so content with my space & freedom. When I spend time with family or friends, I enjoy it for a while, but I soon become restless to go home to my quiet sanctuary. What I’m trying to say is, don’t take it personally, maybe he is most comfortable alone & needs alone time. If you want to keep him in your life, give him space, & resist the temptation to assume the worst. Above all, focus on the positives! I highly recommend “The Queen’s Code” by Alison Armstrong. Have you ever heard of frog farming? It’s priceless and timeless information.

    #594093 Reply
    The Truth Bringer

    One date a week is not enough for a long term relationship. I am going to be honest and tell like it is. On those nights that he is not with you he is with other women. If not then he is a friggin poof that prefers men and is on the down low with you.

    #594193 Reply

    So when everyone says to “pull away” what exactly to you do? Not initiate calls and texts? Ok, got it. What do you do when he does call or text? Ignore him? Wait an hour before responding? Not respond at all? Then what do you do? Turn down invitations to see each other? Act aloof when you are together? I guess I don’t know what to do when ya’ll give me that advice…

    #594199 Reply

    Hi Nelly.

    Pulling away is a sign that your devoting too much time to one thing, like a man, and its best to bring in some BALANCE by re-engaging in people/activities/hobbies you’ve been neglecting, which allows for him to have some freedom and independence or the man can start seeing it more of a chore/task, than a bonus.

    Relationships are like a burning candle, it needs OXYGEN (space from each other) or you risk snuffing it out. Think of the times you just need some SPACE and have no desire to be around people, or on the phone. Some need more space than others, and if one needs to be constantly with or in touch with their SO but the other doesn’t; that relationship won’t survive for long.

    #596657 Reply

    This has been an interesting read. Ive been in a serious relationship for 18 months. His alone time has been a struggle for me. We live 2 miles from each other, we are both in our 50’s and have no children at home. We still only see each other on Tuesday evening about every other week, and usually Saturday evening. We never spend 24 hours together. I have a very busy life, but Ive noticed myself very depressed the past couple of months.. I really dont do anything, but work and come and watch TV. I forget about volunteer commitments, and tend to oversleep frequently which has never been a problem…Here’s my issue… He calls and texts, making promises of things we’ll do over the weekend. Then every few weeks, I’ll get a random text saying, “oh, its been a long week or long day,I just wanna chill today” this is his way of saying, he doesnt want to see me. When I clarify, he tries to make me out as crazy and says that I have friends, i should go do something with them. So this is where I take ownership. I’m embarressed. There is no one in my life that would not be welcomed to come hang out with me and watch TV. I won’t go into details, but its been made clear that I am not invited into his chill time. When he dismisses my feelings, I feel disrespected and embarressed. He does have a lot of great qualities. A great family, he went with me on my dream vacation, we’ve taken dance classes together and met through many mutual friends. But, When I do go out without him, Im always asked where he is. Its hurtful and embarressing…Im seriously thinking this relationship has to be over, but I’ve never allowed myself to love anyone before, but the extreme disapointments followed by embarrassment isnt good for my mental state. If I could do something to make it not hurt, I certainly would.

    #596686 Reply

    Lee, men in their 50s all have fantasies about women in their 30s. he is keeping you as a friend while making sure he has time to look around.

    If you want to preserve your pride, end this. It is better to be single than being sad and gloomy in a “relationship”.

    If you don’t need men, genuinely don’t need them, this is when they tend to cling to YOU. but in this in case, you won’t notice how long ago he called you. lol. Try to stop caring about him.

    I am the type who’d rather be alone than put up with crap or lukewarm “relationships”. When you are single you can invite people over, have parties, travel and enjoy life with friends. Those who treasure you and care about you. There are many women in their 50s and 60s who are single. Why do you need him? Why would you want to look after some dork if he is clearly keeping you at an arm’s length?

    #596758 Reply

    That’s such a generalisation Nat! You coukd say a lot of guys of any age fantasise about younger women, but you also get a lot of guys who wouldn’t want a younger woman because they know they’d have nothing in common with them. It’s still just the difference between those wanting a genuine relationship and those just wanting to get their end away.

    To both the op and Lee, does he call you from home ever? Does he text you goodnight or is it radio silence from the minute these guys want ‘chill time’?

    #596775 Reply

    I don’t get what your saying Nat? That men in their 50’s won’t be in relationships with women their age? That isn’t true, although it is can be hard to find them bc a lot do want younger women. But I agree, this relationship is doing nothing for Lee. However, I think if you really want someone Lee you can find someone better. It just takes a lot of looking.

    #598199 Reply

    Hi everyone, it does feel really good to read some similar situations to my own.
    I’ve started seeing this guy almost a year ago. I’ve had two relationships before that and I am used to be with my friends a lot but spend most of my time with the person I am with.
    In the beginning that was it, because I visit my family for a month every 3 months, in the beginning, we used to spend every day together, unless we had plans with our friends. And if I had plans or he had we would both respect that.
    He always wanted a serious relationship and I don’t. I said i’d make an effort to try and trust him enough to be in a relationship. He also suggested that we move in together but I don’t think it is a good idea, specially if we haven’t even tried to be in a relationship with each other.
    A few days he said we were arguing too much and that sometimes he wants to have his own space. That hurt a lot. He told me not to take things personally, but there is not other way to take it to be honest. We still see each other most days of the week, but i am now scared to ask to go see him cause i don’t want to feel like he doesnt want me there or afraid he’ll say no.
    I’ve always been a very positive and surrounded by friends person and the fact that he doesnt want to be with me is ego-threatening and i think it has a tool on how i feel about him.
    I don’t understand how can he want a serious relationship and even move in together but want some time on his own. I like having someone to come home to and tell my day and relax. It is frustrating that I have to be scared to ask my ‘boyfriend’ to hang out.
    I might be too demanding, but that is what I want. I want to see him everyday, not the whole day but at least in the evening. i dont want him to be with me if he does not want to. I really like him, and he messages and calls a lot. But at the same time i don’t want to have less than i want to. Shall i break up? Shall i just take a step back? And say no when he wants to see me?

    #603156 Reply

    It’s as though you were writing my exact experience. Thanks for sharing. I’ve dated a guy for about a year. Currently on a break. I communicated probably 10 times about wanting to spend a little more time together – we would spend Saturday night/Sunday and maybe have dinner one night during the week – getting that time took a lot of effort and work. In previous relationships we’ve naturally increased time together so it felt weird. He talks about moving in together, having kids, etc., yet it’s like pulling teeth to spend 2-3 nights a week together. Thoughts anyone?!?

    I think it all depends on what you want. In my case, I want to do the marriage/baby thing and time is a tickin. I’d agree with the open communication approach. I’m queen of ‘pulling back’, but it doesn’t get you very far and you have every right to have your needs met. “We’re only as needy as an unmet need.”

    #603161 Reply

    Ladies, this thread was started like A year and a half ago. It’s best that you start your own post if you are seeking advice. You will receive better advice and your questions and replies don’t get lost in such a long thread.

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