Who is supposed to send a text after the first date–guy or girl?

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  • #447200 Reply

    We had a good first date, at the end I gave him a hug and thanked him for paying for drinks.

    I wasn’t supposed to text him to thank him again, right? He’s supposed to text me?

    #447202 Reply

    Allow the man to lead. I promise you it will make your life so much easier.

    When a man leads you have no questions about if he’s interested or not.

    I’m glad you had a good date. Try not to think too much into it. Keep your standards high but your expectations low.

    #447318 Reply

    I always send a thank you text, even if i’m not really interested in seeing the guy again. If I am interested, I make it a bit flirtier. Something like “thank you for dinner and drinks, I had a lovely time.” And reference a joke we made. Then it is their job to follow up further after that and plan the next date. But I think it is good to show you appreciated their generosity.

    #447326 Reply

    Ok well I didn’t send him a thank you text and he didn’t text anything either, our date was on Friday… So I guess that’s the end of that?

    But if he wasn’t interested I don’t know why our date was four hours long, plus I was the one who suggested that we should get going.

    Oh well! Onto the next guy!

    #447327 Reply

    Hi Janet,
    Yes I’d have to say that even if you did not send a thank you text, he probably would have followed up to see if you wanted to go out again. Thankfully, it was only a first date and hopefully you aren’t too invested in it.
    Onto the next – so many guys out there that would be excited to blow up your phone :p

    #447332 Reply

    Everything I’ve read and personal experience suggest that you thank him at the end of the evening and if he is interested, he will contact you again by text or call or email. If he doesn’t, wasn’t a match. I agree with Khadija on letting him lead, that’s the man’s job or you wind up chasing him and that doesn’t wash.

    #447337 Reply

    As already said, if a man is interested you know about it. There’s no guess work or wondering if you should do this or that. He might be playing but a three day rule or something, though, but for me, I find that kind of thing off-putting.

    #447339 Reply

    Dont text him, he’ll talk to you! just be pacient. At the beggining, the least interest you show, the more interest he will have, so just wait, he will eventually call you back and ask you out again, but dont text him! Men love those stupid games so just go along with it and have fun, dont worry!
    Good luck

    #447354 Reply

    A four-hour first date? Sheesh.

    Don’t assume it’s over, but don’t assume it will continue, either. Just keep dating other guys, and if he wants to see you again, he’ll be in touch.

    #447381 Reply

    Goddammit it guys, Ijust went out with a diff guy tonight and it was going great and at the end when the cheque came I was like ‘oh how much is it? I might have some cash’… And he’s like’oh okay we can split it but I guess I’ll pay for the bottle of wine since I drank most of it’

    Wtf, I didn’t want to pay for my own meal!! I was trying to be nice!! I didn’t expect him to accept my offer!

    The server knew it was our first date and she was like ‘girl, word of advice if he doesn’t pay for your first date then move on’ (he wasn’t there at that time)

    And at the end he said he had a great time and hopes to see me again and tried to kiss me and I was so pissed. Plus he’s a chartered accountant so it’s not like he’s poor

    I pick the shittiest guys!!!

    Do you guys not say anything when the bill arrives?? I feel so stupid and angry

    #447383 Reply

    Ugh – that’s a tough situation – I usually do offer, just to be polite, but guys almost NEVER take me up on that offer. A true gentleman would not allow you to pay for anything on the first date.

    I wouldn’t go out with this guy again if I were you. You’ll meet a lot of frogs before you find your prince.

    #447396 Reply

    Yah I feel like instead of ordering an expensive bottle of wine he could have paid for my dinner. Whateverrr, def not going out again w him

    Also Miss Aspiring u made a comment about 4hr dates… Lol is that too long?? This date was also 4hrs long, maybe I should cut them shorter??

    #447400 Reply

    For a first date, I believe four hours is too long. I would keep it at two hours maximum. The purpose of a first date is to feel each other out (not physically, lol), see if there’s any sort of connection, small talk… essentially, so you both can decide whether you want to see each other again. Four full hours of conversation, potential awkwardness, and direct contact is just too intense for the very first time meeting someone, in my opinion. There will be plenty of time for long dates in the future, if you hit it off and all goes well.

    The way to keep it relatively short: tell him you have plans for later in the day/night. Do not say “I’m against four-hour dates” or anything like that. Maybe you meet for lunch at noon, and you have plans at 2:00 to meet a friend for shopping. Or you meet the guy for dinner at 7 pm, and you have plans to get a drink with your buddies at 9.

    Just my opinion. First dates should not linger on and on, but rather, leave room for more to talk about and discover about each other on the second date.

    #447403 Reply

    Fair enough, I agree with what you’re saying. I dont know though, these dates i’ve been on feel so natural, and there wasnt really any awkwardness –I really didnt intend for today’s date to last a long time but when i checked my phone i was surprised 4 hours had passed.

    But yeah next time i’ll def set out a time limit for two hours and tell the guy that I have something to do after.

    #447410 Reply

    When you are having a good time you are not looking at your watch. I don’t care how many hours it will take unless is very late and I need to go to sleep.

    #447422 Reply

    I don’t offer to pay or split the check and if a dude would ask me to pay I’d get pissed. Next time if you’re not really willing to pay don’t move a muscle when the check comes or go to the washroom when you see it coming, lol

    As ladies here say, the one making the invitation should be the one paying. We can pay for smaller things like the popcorn at the movies or leave the tip so they don’t think we’re spoiled princesses.

    #447444 Reply

    OMW I had a date on Thursday night and the guy also let me pay, not just half, oh no, I paid 65% of the bill. He didn’t bat an eyelid. Took out some cash and told me, you can get the rest. I was so shocked. But I smiled, took out my card and swiped it. He asked me out again though and I politely declined.

    I’m curious to find out if the first guy has gotten in contact with you or not. I had a terrific date on Saturday night, he just didn’t want to say goodnight. Paid for everything and kissed me at the end. Sent me a text to say thank you and let me know when your safe. I did and I thanked him too. Nothing after that.

    #447461 Reply

    I agree, it doesn’t matter how long the date goes on for. If it feels natural then you go with the follow. Who’s going to let a really awkward date linger for 4hrs? It was obviously 4hrs long because they were having a good time and it felt like there was a connection.

    I’ve politely ended dates after an hour because I knew I did’t want it to go any further with this guy and was just not interested in continuing things, but if I felt a great chemistry and was having fun then I wouldn’t impose any restrictions. Sometimes things have to happen naturally.

    Also, if I was meeting a guy at 7pm and he told me he was having drinks with his buddies and 9pm, I’d actually feel quite put out that he seemed like he was squeezing me in before his real plans for the night kicked in. I just think these self-imposed rules can backfire sometimes.

    #447472 Reply

    I normally never keep a time limit for the dates. In case it is going well then I let it continue, in case I am not feeling it, I get out asap! ( 45 minutes has been my shortest date where there was just no spark and I got out faking a work call). Also there’s a guy with whom I’ve been on a few dates and it’s funny but my first date with him lasted for a good 6-7 hours! We went out to dinner and before I knew it it was 4 hours down! post which it was his close friend’s birthday so he asked me if I’d like to come along and I said sure, I went to the party, met his friends and we all had fun and the party went on. So yes, I think it depends on how you feel :)

    #447487 Reply

    Ladies, come on… if you are going to resent paying then DO NOT OFFER. Why are you all so darn steamed that you offered and he took you up on it? If you offered, then fair play for him to accept. If he invited you out, then he is paying and all you “owe” is to be a good date and thank him and express your appreciation at the end of the evening. Then let him contact you. There seems to be a whole generation growing up that doesn’t get this and everyone, male and female, is confused!!!

    #447503 Reply

    Thanks for all the input, ladies!
    @Anon — no the first guy didnt contact me yet. it sucks cuz the date actually went great, the only thing that bothered me was that he kept talking about how he’s been going out with a bunch of girls and how it’s easy for him to try to pick-up girls at clubs/bars because online dating has reduced his fear of rejection. Like, i’m dating other guys too, but i’m not going to go around parading that fact. But with that aside, he met ALL my other criteria and im so tempted to text him…but i wont. At the end of the date it was just a bit awkward cuz i had to catch the train so i quickly hugged him and thanked him and there wasnt really time for us to say if we wanted to see each other again.

    @Stefanie — But in a way, i would rather find out that a guy is cheap from the first date and cutting him off. True, if i dont say anything about the bill the guy would cover it –but i wouldn’t want him to cover it because he feels like he’s forced to but rather because he understands vales and is being chivalrous.

    I was talking to my brother, and he said he appreciates it when the girl offers to pay instead of just sitting there –but that he’d NEVER accept the offer even if the date didnt go well. I guess his views have affected my perspective as well.

    #447508 Reply

    When a guy asks me out for a first date I don’t every offer to pay! No…no…no!! That would definitely be a deal breaker for me. However once I start dating a guy and we’re going out regularly I do start offering to split the check because I make a good living and I don’t think it’s fair for him to shoulder all the expenses for us to go out at that point. Just yesterday my boyfriend and I went to the casino and he had lost quite a bit of money so I offered to pay for our dinner or at least split the check but he refused! LOL

    And most of my best first dates lasted 4 hours or more! I don’t think that’s excessive personally. Usually what happens is you spend a few hours at dinner and you’re not ready for the evening to end because things are going so well. As a matter of fact the first date with my current boyfriend we actually had appetizers and drinks at one place, decided to do dinner at another place then went walking on the beach afterwards!! It was an amazing first date!!

    #447512 Reply

    I don’t see anything wrong with a 4-hour date either! I mean, I wouldn’t go into a date *expecting* it to be 4 hours, but if the conversation is flowing and 4 hours come and go quickly, why cut it short? Most of my dates were an hour or two, but my first date with my boyfriend was 4 hours. We intended to just meet for a drink but ended up having another drink and then ordering food too because we were having such a good time. When we finally decided it was time to head home (because the restaurant was turning into a dance club and it was getting hard to hear each other) we looked at the time and realized how long it had been. We’ve been together six months now and I’ve never felt so comfortable with a person. I think the fact that we connected so well on the first date was the first sign that we clicked, and I’m glad I didn’t cut it short.

    #447517 Reply

    Janet, how old is your brother? And how well is doing with women? And how old are you?

    FYI, I’m GenX so maybe I’m older than you and my advice doesn’t apply. I have never in my life offered to pay on a first date, wasn’t raised that way. Also, I come from an upper middle class background and I mix with upper middle class and upper class men for whom money is not generally a big issue. Regardless, I was raised to be a lady and deal with gentlemen.

    That being said I dated someone last year who didn’t have a lot of money as he was paying alimony and for his son’s school and he still was very good about paying. I cooked for him a lot and would also share the cost of things on our outings… so if he picked up the meal, I picked up admission to the place we went. I tried to pay for meals and he wouldn’t hear of it. But this could be our age and social class norms.

    #447525 Reply

    I guess I am done with dinner dates and stop doing all together in the first date.

    I would now meet for coffee, then if he wants to MEET again for food. I would go for pizza or diner. If I really like him, I would love that he takes me out to a romantic restaurant. It works for me perfectly.

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