Who is supposed to send a text after the first date–guy or girl?

Home Forums Dating and Sex Advice Who is supposed to send a text after the first date–guy or girl?

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  • #447531 Reply

    @Stefanie, My brother’s 31, I’m 25. He’s been in a relationship for 2 years now and he says he still doesnt let his gf pay (sometimes she insists on splitting or paying for lunches), but when they go for dinners he usually pays for the cheque even before the bill arrives.

    Options2, you’re right, coffee/drinks is better for a first date, maybe i’ll stick with that from now on even if the guy insists on doing dinner.

    Okay so, cheque arrives, and from now on i should absolutely say nothing? Regardless of how much the bill is? Like with the first guy, the drinks bill came out to like $40 … and the dinner bill for the second guy it was $85 (but that’s cuz of the bottle of wine he ordered)…. i would prefer going to cheaper places for the first date, but both these times it was the guy who picked out the restaurant/bar and I chose the least expensive entree.

    #447532 Reply
    Amy S

    hi. I think a man should be kind and generous to his girl, if he wont even buy a meal on the first date i think hes a miser and that probably means he will be like that in other ways ie with affection, warmth etc too so i wouldnt entertain that. I think the after first date text is ok to send just after the date if the guy has been kind enough to pay for dinner or drinks etc then its nice to acknowledge that with a text but nothing else after that. x

    #447538 Reply

    You sit there and give him a nice smile while he pays and then say a very big thank you. Sets the tone for the whole relationship. You feel like a lady and he gets to feel like a gentleman. Wonderfully old fashioned.

    Would you ask him if he wants you to share the cost of your engagement ring???? Would it even occur to you? Of course not! Then you are worth a nice meal out!!!

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