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  • #943775 Reply

    My boyfriend is Ukrainian and I am a Latina girl. We both go to a 97% Hispanic school so there are no Ukrainians there. He’s really friendly and has previously made me feel insecure about our relationship with how he behaves to other girls. Recently, we had a big argument because he thinks that I just want to argue with him over small things but really I just overthink and feel bad because of how friendly he is with other girls. Yesterday, there is a new student in our school and she’s a girl. She’s Ukrainian like him and when he found out about this – he kept asking things about her. He seemed TOO excited about her. I got jealous and worried which made him annoyed because he thinks I’m being insecure. We’ve talked about it and he reassured me that he only likes me but I still feel extremely paranoid about it. What should I do?

    #943778 Reply

    Jealousy is a monster…
    Take some time to reflect ‘Why’ you’re jealous & work on it. I’m sensing you’re young. If you don’t work on it now, it will follow you around.

    #943780 Reply

    How long has he been away from home (i.e., Ukraine)? Maybe he’s just homesick for some familiarity and friendships. Jealousy will push him away. maybe get to know the new girl, she could probably teach you something about the culture that he would appreciate. This is your opportunity to learn.

    Raven’s right though, no matter what. Tame that jealousy beast; it will ruin even the best of relationships.

    #943781 Reply

    You can often remind yourself that you would only want someone true to you and a love that is real. I think this may help you relax. This should help relax you internally, as it puts yourself first.

    #943783 Reply

    If what I shared doesn’t feel to be your truth, what you need to work on, I believe, is realizing you are “complete” without a guy beven being in your life.

    #943784 Reply


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