How to go No Contact while living together?

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  • #623902 Reply

    Hi ladies

    Just broke up with the boyfriend last night. Together 9 months and he’s only been living with me for a month. How’s the best way to go “no contact” when you live with someone? I know it technically won’t start until he’s outta the house, but how can I start distancing myself? I just want to stay away from him. Anyone have any tips on surviving this until he’s gone? So unbelievably sad right now.

    Thanks :)

    #623905 Reply

    Will you guys be sleeping in separate rooms? If so, I would just try to spend time in that room, when you are at home, try to leave the house a lot, and only talk about practical matters.

    It’s gonna be tough. I’m so sorry. I have never been in that situation before but had a friend that was and they ended up back in bed a few times. Don’t let that happen, it will only confused the situation

    #623907 Reply

    You are already in a bad situation. Just go with the flow and spend the time to reflect on the mistake peacefully on your own.

    Don’t bother trying no contact, you will see him anyway.

    Learn to live like a full grown adult as if you are having a divorce. You will have more sympathy and become a better person. Always silver lining.

    Don’t focus on your anger or sadness – find peace instead.

    #623914 Reply

    Hi Mandy,

    I’m sorry to hear this, it sounds very difficult. Is it possible for you to go stay with family or friends until he moves out?

    May I ask why the relationship ended? Are you on bad terms with him right now? If that’s the case, the easiest way to go NC is probably to stay with someone else for the time being.

    #623937 Reply

    I’m sorry you’re hurting but how on earth do you go no contact while living together? It would come across like a 4 year old sulking! Deal with it like a grown up, you’ll HAVE To talk about the split, the apartment, the finances etc. You’ll see each other around the house, so be adult about it, be civil when you see him, but don t seek him out, talk when you have to, but don’t be too available.

    #623941 Reply

    Y’all are being unsufferably literal.

    I’ve been in that situation. Just use the time to focus on you, visit friends, don’t date, establish boundaries you’re both comfortable with. Is he moving soon?

    #623943 Reply

    Thanks for the help! He’s moving out as soon as he can find a new place. It’s was an ugly ending of him lying about where he was. I Think he was cheating, but have no hard evidence. When i questioned him with the evidence I had, he went off calling me crazy instead of explaining or trying to prove that he wasn’t. He’s lied to me 2 other times before, so this was the third strike. I realize I cant go full NC while living together, I was just trying to figure out the best way to go about this. He started getting verbally abusive with his text messages so I blocked him.

    Thanks for your help :)

    #623946 Reply

    I know you don’t want to hear this, but if the guy lied to you twice already, why did you allow him to move in with you a month ago? That’s a lesson in there.

    Just be civil and work out the details of his move. I wouldn’t be too distant if you don’t trust him. You don’t wNt him moving out with some of your stuff in hand.

    #623950 Reply

    Kick him out…friggin hell!!

    let him go shack up at his bimbo’s place or at a buddies.

    This is YOUR home.

    you can’t be on edge in your own home.

    #623952 Reply

    I have 3 sons

    You have to put your foot down…
    guess what? They respect that

    Give him a week to get out

    #623956 Reply

    She can’t just kick him out. If he officially moved in, by law she has to give him at least 30 days to get out. At least here in the US. So don’t be ridiculous. She was dumb to move him in if he lied to her twice already. She knew he was bad news and she took him in anyway. Unfortunately now she has to get through the process of having him leave. It’s never ideal to move a man into your own home. It is much easier to disengage if you are the one that has to leave. Hopefully he won’t drag his heels to much.

    #623957 Reply

    Btw crisula. How would you feel if someone gave you a week to find a place to live and move your stuff? What if the guy isn’t lying? What if she is just being insecure? Who knows? If he hasn’t been physically abusive or a threat, it isn’t reasonable to just kick someone out after you made a big deal of moving him in,

    #623964 Reply

    Im with crisula. Kick him out. Of course he can find something in a week, at least temporary. He can crash on someone’s couch im sure

    #623965 Reply

    He called her crazy 3x he’s done this bs
    no respect

    I don’t care how HE feels…it’s the OP that is in distress..and it’s HER home. You don’t walk around on eggshells in your own home.

    Move on…unless he signed a lease…which I highly doubt.

    I hardly think that he will take her to court for kicking him out of her own apartment, after calling her crazy, etc…especially after a month of living there…

    THIS is why men walk all over women…jeeez

    “I’ll move out when I find a place to live…”
    yeah, when is a year?


    #623967 Reply

    he called her crazy because she caused him of something she had no proof of. I hardly think that would constitute an issue, you don’t have to sign a lease to have a formal eviction. If he shows proof that he is a resident, meaning his mail gets sent there, then he lives there. And she can’t just kick him out, if he understands this, he can push this and force her to allow him to stay as long as the law allows. So it is in her best interest to be civil and try to help him get out as soon as possible, you all are just sounding emotional and silly. If you are mature enough to move a man in, then at least be mature enough to get out of it and not be a emotional ‘crazy’ lady. It’s not about bashing women or men. It’s about being responsible for your decisions. And being mature.

    #623978 Reply

    Lol Jane, you need to finish your post on the other thread where a guy was pulling away. You stopped at i have i humch.
    You assume that mandy acted like a crazy lady and was immature by moving him in and for that reason she has to sit on the blisters for a while. Hell no, it doesnt matter who caused what. He can go out of my house asap. No need to let him stay around. That only prolonges the pain of breaking up its in his best interest too

    #623980 Reply

    I’m not defending the guy. And I don’t know what part of the world you live in. But here in the states, you can’t just kick a person out with very little notice. You just can’t, which is why I said if this guy is smart he will look into the laws of eviction and stay as long as permitted. Sorry.. but if you move a bf or even just a platonic friend into your home and they take up residence, you don’t have the right to put them on the streets because you got mad at them.

    #624039 Reply

    Jane…just a hunch

    I bet you live or grew up in the western part of the US…. ;)

    Only a pathetic wussy of a man, would take his gf to court for kicking him out…please
    He’s making her life very uncomfortable and stressed by living there and he knows it…he doesn’t care..his needs come first. She’s walking on eggshells in her own home.

    He has been lying, and she has a feeling that he’s been cheating, and he is calling her crazy and probably paranoid, etc.

    If it were some guy roommates that he had screwed over, they wouldn’t hesitate to tell him to get out….and he would leave.

    We’re not talking about the law here…we’re talking about a guy who needs to step up to the plate, and do the right thing. Go sleep on a buddies couch ’til you find a place. If he has any feelings for her, he would leave on his own accord.
    He screwed up, not her.

    #624049 Reply

    Here you go Jane

    ***He started getting verbally abusive with his text messages so I blocked him***

    This guy is LIVING in her home

    Don’t see where you are coming from..

    #624050 Reply

    Ok.. crisula. So she shouldn’t take responsibility for allowing this guy and probably even asking him to move in with her a month ago, when she knew he was a liar at least twice already?

    Give me a break. She didn’t ask about kicking him out. She asked about how to deal with co habitation until he is able to leave. Like I said if he isn’t harming her, than calmly work out a game plan with him and be an adult about it. What is the point in being emotional. It was a bad decision on her part to move him in. So work it out like adults.. not kids, and then move on. I was living with a guy years ago and found out he was cheating. I decided of course to break up and move out but there was no way I could just up and leave. I had to save up for a rent deposit and get furniture, since I moved in with him. We worked it out so that I stayed two months and saved up and got my own place. During that time we just kept things civil and did out own thing. was I angry with him? Of course! And I certainly was verbally abusive to him after finding out. So he could have probably kicked me out the door too. But after the drama we stopped th emotional crap and worked it out. You sound really immature for a mature woman crisula. And yes I live in the west part of the country. But grew up in the east. So your stereotype of me isn’t working,

    #624053 Reply

    Verbally abusive on text and they live together. That makes no sense. So block him. I didn’t hear her say he was verbally abusive to her face. And like I said above, of course there will be initial heat during the confrontation stage. I’m sure she said a lot of things that were verbally abusive to him too. She wasn’t texting all sweet about acusing him.. for sure they were both at it texting inflammatory words.

    #624058 Reply

    Youre assuming a lot of things. But what i find weird is that you keep blaming mandy (thats her on screen name not her or she) for moving in with a guy after 7 months. Who cares? People make mistakes and if you can fixt them, great. Whats so weird about asking a guy you broke up with: please stay at Xx house until you find a new place?

    #624063 Reply


    not immature…just have common sense and live in the real world

    First verbal abuse..then maybe what…a slap in the face?

    Then what Jane?

    Physical abuse ALWAYS starts with verbal abuse

    #624065 Reply

    She can’t ‘block’ him at home!!

    #624066 Reply

    Yup. And women verbally and physically abuse men too.

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