Would you date a guy who is married but separated?

Home Forums Complicated Situation / Mixed Signals Would you date a guy who is married but separated?

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  • #382575 Reply

    Hi all,
    I stuck in this situation and keep asking myself this question, but I don’t know what to do and what to think. So here I am for advice! I’ll give some background. I am 24 working full time. I have been seeing this guy for four months. He is married but separated (they do not live together anymore). Everything was great in the beginning. We see each other 2-3 times a week, we really enjoy times spending together. We admitted we both like each other and agreed to take thing slow. Couple of weeks ago he pulled away. He didn’t texting as much as he did in the beginning (but he still text me at least once a day), I freaked out. Then I found this site and read some articles and it helped a lot. So I stopped being needy and gave him space.

    He did come back acting like nothing happen but I could felt not as close as before. As for now, I’m pulling myself back, I don’t know if he is the one I want and I don’t know if we are on the same page. I’m having this feeling because his relationship status makes me insecure, sometimes I feel that he is hiding something from me.. I don’t know. I mean, although they are separated, they are still husband and wife under the law. They can get back together whenever they want right? And I will be a stupid shit in the middle of nowhere hoping something will happen even though he says he will not see others only me but who knows? I don’t know really.. I am always happy to see him and be around him but I just don’t know what to do. Part of me wants to walk away before I fell too deep; part of me wants to stay and see where it goes.

    And there is another question in my head all the time, what might be the reason they don’t get a divorce? I never marry so I don’t know what might be the reasons there. He texts me on daily basis just a simple “hows your day” something like that when we don’t see each other. I don’t know if he is stringing me here or not.

    So whats your thought? Would you date a guy who is married but separated? What should I do at this situation? Thanks!

    #382593 Reply

    More information needed – how long have they been separated? Have they actually filed for divorce? How old is he? Do they have children?

    I spent 18 months technically “married” after I left the house and I was completely done. It took me 6 months to file because here in England it’s quite a different process from the US. There is no such thing as no fault divorce.

    No one had an issue with dating me. Divorce takes a while to process through the courts. No one cared that I was technically married. You have to assess if he is telling the truth.

    #382623 Reply

    I personally would not…

    It takes time to ‘get over’ being married…

    #382625 Reply

    I wouldn’t ever again.

    I got involved with a ”separated” married man and 3 years down the line he was still ”separated” whilst living in the same house as the ex ….

    So if you want heartache and to waste time waiting then fine, but personally I would say run before it is too late

    #382628 Reply

    I have dated guys who were “separated”, but I found that depending on the length of time they have been separated as to whether it was enjoyable etc. My ‘conditions’ as such is that if they’re separated, for me to date them, they must have been separated for at least 9 months, this is only because of past experience dating recently separated guys. I found they either had hang-ups with what their ex was doing, or hang ups with the ex over seeing the kids, or dramas with financial or custodial separation. I have found that a lot of newly separated fellows really aren’t ready for the long term commitment they say they’re ready for, no matter how much they try to convince themselves and me. A lot of these newly separated guys too say they want another long term relationship, but you can work out quite quickly that this just really means they want sex and casual relationships/ no strings attached. I suppose it’s all about what you’re willing to accept, and me, well my past events have told me, no-one under 9 months separated.

    #382629 Reply

    Hi Alley.

    Agree, need more info. such as how long he was married and length of separation. I know in some states you can’t file for a divorce if you haven’t been separated (starts the day you live apart) for at least a year, however its highly possible you’re the ‘rebound girl’ as I know what its like to go through a separation and divorce.

    I personally REFUSE to date a guy who hasn’t been DIVORCED for a minimum of a year, preferably two or more if they were in very long or dysfunctional marriages. I always go with my GUT because we as women have pretty good intuition and when you start feeling ‘mixed signals’ its a very good sign something is OFF and I would definitely pay attention to it.

    #382633 Reply

    Dating is hard enough without adding the stress and worry of separation. It doesn’t work. I tried, two relationships, each time once the divorce was final we were no longer together.

    You’re a soft place to fall.

    #382636 Reply

    This is another case of men being v different than women, reading the other posts has reminded me. By the time I walked, I was well out emotionally. It took me about 6 months to get over the sting of it not working out, and then I was in reasonable shape. I forget – men don’t process that fast! Also, we didn’t have kids. So I agree with you ladies. At least 2 years out for them to be normal and really available. I have seen a couple of cases where men WANT to believe they are ready to move on but they are so disconnected from themselves and unwilling to go through the pain that is involved in the initial healing, they aren’t – but they aren’t consciously lying to you about it.

    #382664 Reply

    I, personally, would not date someone who is separated. It is so very different both technically and emotionally than being divorced. I don’t think anyone can actually know how different it is until they have actually gone through the entire process.

    #382666 Reply

    No. Stay friends until he is divorced

    #382685 Reply

    I have a friend who is currently separated and I have told him many times that he is not really emotionally ready to be in a relationship and that he is in just a validation stage. He refuses to believe me but I see it in his dating patterns. He dates a woman, he sleeps with her, then he says he did not find a connection and ends it with her. Next woman and the cycle continues. He had asked me actually if I would want to date him and I had told him that I do not date guys who are separated and not divorced. And that I like our friendship dynamics quite a bit for me to want to change it.

    He actually was quite upset and had called me when he found that his wife was on the same dating site as he. I was like and u think u r ready for a relationship when u r getting angry that your wife has decided to date? What makes it ok for u to date but not her? He understood what I said and calmed down.

    I would say keep away from separated men.

    #382770 Reply

    Thank you so much for advice and experiences, really helpful.

    Ok so more information here: he is turning 30 next month, working two jobs, busy guy. They have been separated for 7 months (when we started seeing each other he said he got out the relationship 3 months ago), and from what I know he was married for 2-3 years, I didn’t really ask that detail. They don’t have kids. I don’t know if they file a divorce or not… again I didn’t ask him too much about his marriage because I don’t want to seem too crazy, sometimes when I asked he told me he didn’t want to talk about it. I know he contacts her sometimes though.

    Yes I agree with you Lane, sometimes I feel I’m his rebound girl since we started seeing each other after he just got out relationship 3 months. And for the intuition part that is so true! I feel something happens to him recently that he is not telling me and he distances me a little, I bet must relate to his wife. This is why I’m so confused about his feeling towards me and my feeling about him. I like him still, but not sure if I want to continue this. I want to walk away and move on sometimes, but it’s so hard to forget every good moment we spent together.

    So what do you think after knowing more information? Thank you again, you guys are the best!

    #382855 Reply

    Absolutely not if you are wanting a LTR. I broke this rule once and will never again………….this was always my rule not to date a married man or better yet one who just came out of a LTR. He pursued and I finally gave in and it was a big mistake. People need to remember that one needs to find them self first before they even consider another LTR. It’s a void one may feel at that time that needs to be filled…..rebound. Nothing wrong with casual dating as long as your honest with who you are dating. Now if you are also looking just for casual then go for it.

    #382857 Reply

    Hi Alley.

    I personally would not invest in this man at this point in time. Men take a lot longer to heal because they don’t DEAL with the break up and do things, like getting with a rebound, so they don’t have to. Men have this innate ability to ‘compartmentalize’ where they will focus on work, dating or other things so they don’t have to focus on the break up. Eventually though he’s forced to think about it, which usually occurs after the 6th month (although each man is different) which is why you’re now experience the shift.

    Trust me, if he hasn’t even gone through the divorce yet, then he’s got a lot things he WILL need to deal with and its highly possible this is what his ex is pushing for. After the divorce they literally go through it all over again, whereas they will EMBRACE their new found freedom but will have a wall so high up over his heart it would take Wonder Woman to knock it down. His heart still belongs to his ex and it takes a long time, sometimes YEARS before they’ll even consider allowing another woman to have it again.

    Hope this helps!

    #382874 Reply

    Thank you Annie and Lane, I got a better picture now. I never thought of men need such a long time to process things and how different the ways they process from women. I’m glad I come here for advice. When I asked my friends for opinion, they just told me to move on find a better guy without giving me such great explanation lol. It seems like a very very long journey to get over this entire divorce thing…

    And yea you are right again Lane, he DOES distance me recently and talk wayyyy lesser than before! Daily text still but that is it. I really want to know what he is thinking inside his head!!! So I think I will just move on… it’s so hard! He is a great guy but at the wrong time… What should I do? Should I let him know I don’t want to continue this? Or should I just stop replying his text and seeing him?

    #382945 Reply

    It totally depends on you. If you have the will power to not let him sweet talk you into getting back with him then go ahead and tell him that this is not working for you anymore and all the best in his life and then do NO CONTACT. Else just fade. Whatever you think would work for you.

    #543436 Reply

    Everyone’s situation is different. I am currently dating a “separated” man, and everything has been well so far. Both he and his wife are dating other people, but live in the same house for the time being. She knows about me, and he knows about her man. They hardly EVER talk to each other, and are not intimate (as far as I’m concerned); and they don’t have any children. So for me, dating a “separated” man is working out just fine (though I’m eager for him to get his own place!). He is loyal, loving, and treats me like a Queen. He texts me and calls me everyday, and we see each other like 5 times a week (we live fairly close).

    #543451 Reply

    FYI. This post is over a year old in case anyone is trying to advise the original poster.

    #543456 Reply

    I personally would not. I didn’t even date divorced men during my early dating years before I got married. When I became a widow, I was very hesitant to date divorced men, single men my age(50), separated, but widower okay. But the reality is at my age and marital status the pool of men available for me to date are either divorced, never been married, separated, widower. I struggled with the choices but luckily, I met my current BF who’s been divorced for 4 years, 6 years total divorced and separated. We’re the same age but he married early and as a result he has a 25 yr old son and the daughter is 20. His ex cheated on him and married the guy she cheated on him with 3 months after the divorce was final. It took a little less than a year before I met his children. I just felt awkward about meeting because I’ve never been in this situation before.

    I can certainly understand the angst you’re going through and the advice I see here about dating divorced men with children, without children, never been married, or separated are very useful and does cover my initial concerns. I am aware of the fact that there is an ex and children in previous marriage with my current BF. I keep things at arms length when it comes to them. I don’t like to get involve in their own standard dynamic as I am clueless about divorce situations.

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