Will he miss me at all?

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    Guy I was seeing since end of April ended it with me because of my jealousy.
    He said he had enough of walking on eggshells with me over women.
    We spoke every day for 8 months
    Will he miss me now not speaking?
    I’ve been reading that sometimes no contact for a few months till the dust settles might help.
    Anybody with any opinions?


    Well Pippa-either you are an insecure and jealous type-(in which case you need to develop confidence in yourself and stop dating until you do) or he has inappropriate contact and encounters with other women. In case you are the jealous type,do as advised and know that he is not coming back and no contact won’t help. If he is messaging other women etc. then why would you want a guy like that?


    He has a lot of female friends.
    I was getting jealous of this.
    According to him he was “sick of me getting onto him about him texting he’s friends “
    If I show him I’ve calmed down will it help?
    Surely 8 months of daily contact then nothing ..you miss that a little bit?
    I miss him a lot


    We can’t answer that for you. I’m sorry that that’s not the answer you wanna hear but we have no idea. He may be really done he may not. It really doesn’t matter and he is done you a huge favor. Many times break ups don’t have an actual reason but in this case you do. If this has been a pattern where men accuse you of being jealous that means you actually are jealous. I’m having friends is no reason for you to add jealous. I know many other women on this site will not agree with that but my personal opinion is that if you’re afraid of his friends you have a bigger problem on your hand. Anyone can cheat at any time, so thinking that you monitor his friends is going to be helpful doesn’t change anything. Your jealousy is yours to manage, not his. So again if this is a one off thing in terms of your relationships and maybe it was a bad fit in there was more going on, However, if you’ve gotten this feedback before then you have some serious work to do. You really need to be of the mindset that any person who leave you for someone else is the one who’s missing out. Controlling someone is not gonna help you. We all have moments of it so it is not an overall thing but if it is the way that you are in general that’s terrible. My guess is this guy is done done. The reason being is is that he feels like he’s already communicated this to you and you didn’t change.


    He did tell me he was fed up of me going on about one girl in particular.
    About 4 months ago he slept with her when we weren’t as he said “official” and has continued texting with her but started calling her a “friend”
    If this friendship had always been platonic I wouldn’t have been jealous.


    Also ..I have stopped viewing his social media too


    Instead of worrying about if he will miss you, work on yourself.

    I say this because why would you want to stick with a man who has a woman around that he slept with as a friend?

    As I read more of your post I would have dropped this guy. He likes the attention of these friends and flipped it on you.

    Imagine if the tables were turned, I doubt he would stick around.

    While I have nothing against having friends of the opposite sex, there has to be boundaries. He has none.

    LaFrance Thibodeaux

    Pippa,are you going to accept his ‘friends’ if he does come back?..I’m asking because it’s obvious that they’re going to be around regardless..

    ANM Staff

    Lisa / Sarah / Pippa

    ’nuff said.

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