8 Secrets on How to Stop Being Insecure post image

We’ve all been there. Even the most confident seeming people struggle with it from time to time. It’s feeling insecure. 

The thing about insecurity is that nothing is fun or enjoyable when you’re insecure and it just robs life of its joy. Not to mention, it will ruin your relationships, your mental health, and everything else really. 

Give Thanks Without Getting Fat: The Do’s & Don’ts of Thanksgiving Dinner post image

The holidays are prefect for celebrating, but aren’t exactly ideal for healthy eating. Fortunately, you can make it through the holidays with your figure intact. The most important thing is to be aware of common traps that can pile on the pounds which is why I’m sharing some important do’s and don’ts for surviving Thanksgiving dinner.

Time to pack on the fun, not the pounds this holiday season!

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How to Find True Happiness post image

How to Find True Happiness

How can I find happiness? It’s a questions most of us have asked. Many people spend their lives searching for the answer. Some of us go through life believing the right relationship will open the gateways to eternal happiness. Others believe it’s the perfect job. And there are those who fall victim to western ideals and believe happiness is reserved only for the beautiful and thin.

The idea of a happy and meaningful life has become unnecessarily complicated in some circles, says author and certified positive psychology coach Lynda Wallace, who left a high-powered executive career with Johnson & Johnson to pursue her real passion – helping individuals and groups achieve greater happiness and success.

“Happiness has been appropriately cited as a goal in political debates on issues from taxation to the social safety net to marriage equality, but the debate is often confused,” says Wallace, author of “A Short Course in Happiness: Practical Steps to a Happier Life,” which topped Amazon’s Self-Help Best Seller list.

“Some people claim that happiness is all in your DNA or bank account. The truth is that happiness is largely a matter of everyday choices and actions. There are straightforward, well-researched, and effective things every one of us can do to create greater happiness in our lives and in the lives of those we care about.”

The essential elements of a happy life are not mysterious, she says. Research shows that the happiest people do four basic things that make the difference: they focus on what is good and positive in their lives; cope effectively with life’s inevitable challenges; develop strong relationships; and pursue meaningful goals.

“We can all become happier by putting our efforts into these areas,” Wallace says.

One of the first steps we can take is to get past some of the common misconceptions about happiness that can stand in our way. Wallace offers these four examples: [continue reading…]

Willpower: Why it Won’t Make You Skinny post image

If you’re waiting for the day that you’ll wake up and *poof* have the iron-clad willpower of Gywneth Paltrow, then, well…you might be waiting for quite a while. In my opinion, willpower—for the most part—is not a genetic blessing possessed by only the skinny elite. To me, willpower is created through a series of conscious efforts that later help you make good decisions.

Here’s what I mean: [continue reading…]

6 Guaranteed Ways to Be Miserable post image

Misery, as painful as it is, can be comfortable in its familiarity. It’s easy to sink into despair. Picking yourself up and forging onward is a bit more daunting. The problem is, a lot of us play a passive role in our own lives. We let circumstances and situations dictate who we are and how we feel, and then find solace in the fact that it’s not our fault.  In life, we can’t control what happens to us, but we can control how we react to things, and that is oftentimes the difference between feeling free and happy or trapped and miserable.

Happiness doesn’t just happen. It’s not something that shows up at your door one day as a consolation prize for years of pain and suffering. It takes some work, both on the inside and out. Misery is easy because frankly, life is hard. Stress is inevitable, and so is heartbreak, rejection, disappointment, criticism, and feelings of defeat.

Being miserable is a combination of how you live your life and how you process the inevitable things that happen. A lot of us don’t even realize all the ways we’re creating our own misery.  And with that, here are six guaranteed ways to be absolutely miserable:

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Why Your Workouts Aren’t Working: 5 Mistakes People Make at the Gym post image

In today’s non-stop society, it’s hard to find time to workout. It’s even harder to stay motivated when your workouts aren’t producing any results.

Read below to learn how five simple (and very common) mistakes can make your workouts less effective. [continue reading…]

30 Lessons Learned On Life & Love in 30 Years post image

I’ll admit I’ve been afraid of turning 30 pretty much since I turned 22. With every passing year, I’ve felt a tug of fear over being that much closer. Now that I’ve arrived at what I long considered a dreaded destination, I must say….it’s actually pretty amazing. Like most people, my 20’s were replete with bad choices, too many shots, too little sleep, too much worry, valuable life lessons, ignoring of said lessons, repeating the same mistakes, self-doubt interspersed with feeling on top of the world, financial sloppiness, emotional sloppiness, waiting for it all to fall perfectly into place, and grappling with the painful realization that the real world isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. But now that my days as a 20-something are up, I can’t help but feel grateful, and—dare I say—empowered over how far I’ve come.

Every year on my birthday I like to reflect on lessons learned, defining moments, and whether I’m moving forward or standing still. Since so much of what I write is informed by my experiences, I could think of no better way to say goodbye to my tumultuous 20’s and usher in my (hopefully!) thriving 30’s than with the 30 best lessons I’ve learned on life and love.

Here they are (in no particular order):

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Five New Ways to Be in 2015 post image

Five New Ways to Be in 2015

Whenever this time of year rolls around and people are in “change mode,” it can feel confusing and unclear where to start.  Many people have the same New Year’s Resolutions  each year and feel disappointed in themselves that yet again, they feel back to square one in not making the changes they had hoped for. An action plan is good, but if you don’t examine the overarching message system in your head, you may find yourself continuing to be mystified by your lack of success.

We live in a culture that focuses on doing, not being, and New Years Resolutions tend to be about what you’re going to do. So perhaps this year you can include some aspirations of what you’re going to be.

Here are some things to consider:

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The Clean Gut Diet: I Tried It! post image

I came home one day to a stack of books, tons of fruits and veggies, and a new Vitamix on my kitchen counter. My mother had decided to become fully immersed in this new “clean gut diet.” Now if you knew her like I do, you wouldn’t be surprised. She’s tried every diet under the sun, each time encouraging me to do them with her.

The diets are usually meant for fast weight loss and are either impossible to keep up with, or just involve some crazy concoction that doesn’t seem fit for consumption. After questioning–and a little mocking–I realized this diet sounded different. It wasn’t about about a quick fix, it was about a cleanse. And it wasn’t the kind of cleanse that comes in all the pretty bottles (and leaves you completely starving for the week) it was genuinely about cleaning out your body and getting your digestive system to work optimally.

My skepticism soon gave way to curiosity (and the chocolate flavored morning shake looked pretty tasty!) and I decided not to dismiss this one so quickly. I skimmed through the book, learned a lot about Doctor Alejandro Junger M.D., and realized this guy knows his stuff. He studied internal medicine at NYU, completed a fellowship in cardiology at Lenox Hill, and after he was done with all the medical training, he went to study Eastern Medicine in India. Feeling incredibly intrigued (and a bit smitten by this incredibly intelligent, green-eyed doctor) I embarked on a  journey to a spotless gut.

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Easy Weight Loss Secrets for Fast (and Lasting!) Results post image

While I am not a health or fitness expert, I am a woman who, like most women, cares about my weight and wants to look my best. I spent some time living overseas and came back with more than just experiences and souvenirs, I was horrified to discover that I had put on 15 pounds! I thought the weight would fly right off as soon as I was back on US soil but that was a bust. I started working out like a fiend, watching my diet…and still, I didn’t shed a pound. After six months of frustration I decided to stop going the traditional diet and exercise route and figure something else out. It took some trial and error but it was worth it. I lost 25 pounds in less than a year and I have kept it off for six months now.

Here is how I did it:

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Easy Tips to Get Your Body Bikini-Ready post image

It’s almost that time again, the one every woman holds so dear….swimsuit season!  Now don’t shudder, cringe, and berate yourself for not spending more time in the gym because, first of all, I can promise that your body is much better than you think it is, and secondly, a few minor adjustments to your diet can make a huge impact on the way you look and feel.

Kimberly Snyder is a nutritionist to Hollywood’s top celebrities and New York Times bestselling author of the books “The Beauty Detox Solution” and “The Beauty Detox Foods.” She is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to health, beauty and nutrition and whenever I have an issue (from feeling tired to battling bloat to dealing with breakouts) I go to her for the answer!

Read on for Kim’s amazing, and super easy, tips for getting your body bikini ready! [continue reading…]

How I Learned to Love My Body post image

Nothing drives me more crazy than listening to women complain about their bodies.  Like seriously, I have a visceral reaction whenever I hear phrases like “My thighs are too fat.” “I’m only eating celery this week because I have a big date.” Not only do you sound ridiculous when you speak like this, but what exactly are you expecting from your friends when you speak like this?

I was always that pudgy wannabe athletic kid.  Although I played outside frequently and, in middle/high school played two seasons of sports,  I was always a little pudgy because I loved food.

Later on during my first job, with the help of sales reps who wanted me to buy stuff off of them, I developed a penchant for wine, fine dining, and drinking into the wee hours several times a week. Before I knew it my 5’6 frame was carrying close to 200 pounds.  In the years that followed, like many women, I developed a hatred for my body: punishing it with extreme diets, juice fasts, over training, over eating, and self-loathing whenever I looked at myself in the mirror.

Over the last ten years I’ve been down to my lowest of 145 pounds because of the Master Cleanse: living off of lemon water and giving myself reverse enemas with salt water twice daily, to tipping the scale at nearly 200 because of foie gras at lunch, beer during happy hour, and the comfort of General Tso after a hard day of drinking, when my activity level was that of a sloth.

And in each of those times of extreme thinness or fatness I always found something wrong with my body.

I no longer live like that.  In my 30+ years on the planet, I’ve found ways that make me love my body. Here they are:

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You’ve Got Weight Loss & Fitness Questions, BiteSizedFitness has Answers! post image

There’s nothing easy about losing weight. Even finding answers to your questions can seem like an impossible challenge, especially with so much conflicting information out there. That’s why I’m providing solutions to your most common weight loss questions.

From what to eat to how much to exercise to how to stay motivated and resist temptation, keep reading for simple solutions that will have you bikini-ready by summer!

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Valentine’s Day Treat: Our Favorite Love Quotes post image

Happy Valentine’s Day! I know this day can be a sore subject for some ladies, namely those getting over a guy or those who feel a bit lonely. There really is no need to bash all the happy couples out there. Instead, use this day to appreciate the love you have in your life, there has to be some.

As you may know, I’m an avid quote collector. In honor of this lovely day to celebrate love, here are my favorite quotes on matters of the heart.

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Three New Year’s Resolutions to Avoid this January post image

It’s time to STOP making the same impossible promises year after year and start accomplishing your goals. This article explains how to avoid these three stereotypical resolutions and provides alternatives for achieving success in 2014.

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Popping Pills: The Truth About Meds and Supplements When It Comes to Your Health post image

As a pharmacy student, the past six years of my life have been dedicated to learning about prescriptions and over the counter medications. Today, we are constantly exposed to drug advertisements, groundbreaking new treatments, and friends claiming a supplement changed their lives. The article below shares important information about the risks and benefits of using medications and supplements to improve your health. [continue reading…]

Three Common Food Myths Busted post image

Three Common Food Myths Busted

Adopting a healthy lifestyle can be very difficult in this day and age with so many conflicting theories floating around out there. One day something is amazing for you, the next it’s horrible and should be avoided at all costs. One day it’s a miracle weight-loss cure, the next it’s the leading cause of obesity. How is one to navigate through such madness?!

There are endless food myths out there to keep you nice and confused. To help alleviate the problem, nutritionist Nicolette Pace identified the top three food myths and uncovers fact from fiction. [continue reading…]

Cook Yourself Skinny: 5 Must-Try Recipes post image

Are you tired of working out and not seeing any results? Stop spending countless hours at the gym and start focusing on your diet! Unfortunately, all the workouts in the world will not get you a flat stomach if you continue to shove garbage down your throat.

To help you reach your weight-loss goals, I’m sharing my five favorite healthy, easy to make recipes for every time of the day. And did I mention they are all delicious? [continue reading…]

5 Ways Your Social Life is Making You Fat post image

 If you’re like me, you love a fun night out with friends or a spontaneous weekend getaway. However, these activities can have a detrimental effect on your healthy lifestyle and leave you feeling guilty about your excessive splurges.

Read on for five ways your social life can be packing on the pounds and solutions to help you stay fit without sacrificing the fun.

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Salads of Diet Destruction: How Greens Are Packing On the Pounds post image

It’s official; Americans have managed to turn even the healthiest, purest meals into weapons of diet destruction! The salad, a beautiful bed of lettuce, vegetables, and lean protein has been transformed into the nutritional equivalent of a green cheeseburger, without the same satisfaction. Stop being fooled by salads hiding hundreds of unwanted calories!

By following the tips below, you’ll be armed with the knowledge needed to avoid caloric bombs in any situation.

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Meet the Author: Who is “Bite Sized Fitness”? post image

I like to describe myself as five feet of fitness and fun! My name is Alyse Scaffidi and I am the creator of Bite Sized Fitness. I am a five-foot tall Rutgers University Doctorate of Pharmacy student that wanted to combine my passion for fitness with my desire to help others. For me, maintaining a healthy body is a fundamental aspect of a happy and satisfying life. By sharing my success story, I hope to inspire other hard-working individuals, like yourselves, to achieve the body you deserve! [continue reading…]

Exercise 101: The Clueless Girl’s Guide to the Gym post image

Today’s the day! Today, I am going to go to the gym, have a great workout, and start getting in shape! But wait, there’s just one teeny, tiny problem… “I don’t have clue what I’m doing!”

For most women, simply finding the time and motivation to workout is hard enough, so researching the most effective forms of cardio, proper lifting techniques, and nutritional requirements is simply out of the question.  Who cares if you don’t know everything about the anatomy of the body, the point is to make your body look better!

The amount of scientific research about fitness is overwhelming, but the easy tips below will have you feeling and looking like you belong at the gym:

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Curves Are Making a Comeback: How to Enhance and Embrace This Sexy Shape post image

You’re fighting the urge to bite into that cookie. You choose the fruit bowl over the croissant. You use skim milk instead of half&half. Every. Single. Day. And not because you actually dislike this kind of food.. but because society throws at you images of stick-thin models who are genetically predisposed to looking like pre-teen boys and you believe you have to look that way too.

Well according to an online poll, it’s shown that 80 percent of men ages 18 to 50 say they want a voluptuous woman.  Another 15 percent of men prefer a woman of average size, while just 5 percent opt for a super skinny chick.  Now this is not to say that you can’t be skinny & curvy together – but what it is saying is that stick-thin emaciated bodies have a slim chance of winning versus beautiful, fuller, bodies. [continue reading…]

Fitness Fits Any Lifestyle: The Busy Girl’s Guide to Health post image

Have you ever thought to yourself, “I wish I had the time to workout and eat healthier?” Most of us already have work, kids, school, and a packed social life keeping us busy, so who wants to worry about being healthy?  One, if not all, of the following scenarios probably describes your current routine. The good news is this means you can have a healthy lifestyle! And you won’t have to make any drastic changes either! [continue reading…]

How to Be Happy: 11 Ways to Find True Happiness post image

Most people spend their lives waiting for happiness. They cling to the idea that as soon as they get that job, as soon as they lose those last few pounds, as soon as they’re in a great relationships, then the gates will open and happiness will come rushing on through. Most people are misinformed. Happiness isn’t something that just happens, it’s something you need to actively pursue. True happiness doesn’t come from wealth or beauty or status or anything external, it comes from within.

In order to find true happiness in life, you need to work on yourself and make a few adjustments to the way you live your life. These tweaks are actually pretty simple and if you do it right, you will attain the kind of genuine happiness most people spend their lives pursuing.

Here are 11 tips to find true happiness: [continue reading…]

Fitness Myths Vs. Facts post image

Fitness Myths Vs. Facts

Working out is difficult! And I’m not talking about digging deep and finding the strength to get your butt to the gym. No, I’m talking about all the complexities that lie after you’ve taken that first pivotal step.

There are so many considerations that need to be taken in order to get the results you want. Does eating on an empty stomach burn more fat?  Do you work out hard for short periods of time, medium for long periods, or at intervals? And what’s the deal with this whole ‘you don’t burn fat unless you workout for more than 30 minutes’ business? So if I work out for 25 minutes it won’t mean anything?? And what happens if I stop working out? Will all those muscles just turn to flab?

Fortunately, your head won’t have to spin for much longer thanks to Jenny Evans, stress/exercise physiologist and founder of PowerHouse Performance Coaching, who has graciously revealed everything you need to know about working out in order to get the results you want!

Read on for her breakdown of fitness myths and facts!

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Five Fun Home DIYs To Try With Your Guy post image

Summer is great for getting some work done around the house and whether you’re in the early stages of dating or you’re shacking up, now is the perfect time for you and your guy can tackle a fun home DIY project together. Home décor and repair can get costly and getting crafty is a great way to save money, create something new and original, and spend some quality time with one another. Working on a project together is also a great bonding activity and can help freshen up your relationship.

DIY-ing can be anything you want so start by picking a project or try one of these 5 great DIY ideas you don’t need to be a pro at to take on with your man. [continue reading…]

ANM Review: Kaeng Raeng’s Detox Cleanse post image

Juice fasts have been a big trend for years now, thanks in large part to celebrities who tout juice fasts as the ultimate way to drop tons of weight really quickly. I have a lot of friends who have done juice fasts and while I was always curious to try, I could never quite summon the motivation.

I had been in the initial phases of re-vamping my diet and eliminating processed foods to shift to a more plant-based diet when I got a press release asking if I’d want to try Kaeng Raeng, a vegan, gluten-free, all-natural detox cleanse.

Created by certified personal trainer Lindsay Reinsmith, Kaeng Raeng means “be healthy, be strong” in Thai. Each Kaeng Raeng pouch is a full meal replacement and contains more than a full serving of fruit and fiber, 15g of lean non-GMO protein, probiotics, essential amino acids and vitamins, so you can detox without depriving yourself of important nutrients —or of flavor. Celebrity fans include Jennifer Lopez, Alicia Silverstone, and Lauren Conrad are all fans.

I think the convenience factor is what really drew me in. There was no mess, no shopping fruits and vegetables, just a pouch you mix with water, or put into a blender with ice for a yummy smoothie.

Since I’m a newbie, I decided to do the three-day cleanse at the beginner level. Here’s how it went: [continue reading…]

Four Tips to Beat Depression post image

Four Tips to Beat Depression

One in ten Americans suffers from depression–a pretty staggering and alarming statistic. Given the current social climate, these rates aren’t all that surprising.

“Top risk factors include being unable to work or unemployed; having no health insurance; suffering from obesity,” notes psychologist Gregory L. Jantz, citing a Centers for Disease Control study.

“Unfortunately, those topics have dominated headlines for the past five years. What’s worse, by 2020, the World Health Organization estimates depression will be second most debilitating disease worldwide.”

The author of “Overcoming Anxiety, Worry and Fear,” says these negative emotions along with sustained, excessive stress can lead to depression, which now overshadows other  problems for which patients seek help at his clinic.

“Depression can be rooted in a number of problems, and those need to be addressed – simply taking a pill is not usually effective treatment. Anger, fear and guilt can all be underlying causes, even when the person isn’t aware he’s experiencing those feelings.”
A holistic treatment approach, which may or may not include medication, helps people overcome a bout of the debilitating illness, and learn techniques to manage it themselves, he says.

People at risk of depression can work at maintaining their emotional equilibrium by counterbalancing negative feelings with optimism, hope, and joy. This is most effective if they do this holistically, addressing the four main categories of human need.
“By purposefully feeding the intellectual, relational, physical, and spiritual aspects of your life positive emotions, you can achieve balance,” Jantz says.

He offers these suggestions: [continue reading…]

How to Leave Your Things At His Place (Without Freaking Him Out) post image

There’s nothing better than an evolving relationship and that point when you start spending more time at each other’s places.  And a lot of times, that involves the girl spending more time at her beau’s place, which always brings up the dreaded new relationship dilemma: leaving necessities at his place.

You’re not ready to move in, but you’re past the occasional sleep over and you start craving the simple things in life that you’ve become so accustomed to.  It’s now time to start leaving things at his place.

Here are 5 tips to help you do just that without freaking him out.

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