Just passing this along

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  • #943556 Reply

    Kinda doing a PSA here 😆

    I saw this on a video and thought it got right to the heart of what all you wise ladies say. There can always be exceptions, but this is pretty much the short and sweet of things in one convenient list. Please feel free to add to it if you like.

    1. He doesn’t call you – he doesn’t like you.

    2.He doesn’t keep his word – he doesn’t like you.

    3. He’s inconsistent- he has someone else.

    4. He only calls when he wants something – he’s using you

    5. He starts random arguments – he’s cheating on you

    6. He’s not investing in you – you’re not worth the investment to him

    7. Never met his family – you’re not the one

    8. Been with him 5+ years with no ring or marriage – he’s still searching. You are a placeholder.

    *Men don’t talk with their words, they talk with their actions.*

    #943557 Reply

    8. Been with him 5+ years with no ring or marriage – he’s still searching. You are a placeholder.
    Not necessarily, but it is obviously down to a woman if she is willing to wait. Some men are scared of getting married, some can’t wait. So like you said every situation is different.
    The rest is spot on.

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