How much communication is normal in an LDR?

Home Forums Long Distance Relationship (LDR) Advice How much communication is normal in an LDR?

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  • #503640 Reply

    My boyfriend and I are in a very new LDR, and it seems like we don’t talk that much. We are still in contact at least once a day, but sometimes it’ll only be one text or one couple-minute long phone call. I’m just asking if this is normal or if we should be texting/calling more?

    #504740 Reply
    T from NY

    Dear Alyssa

    As you will read on this site — LDRs are difficult and best attempted by couples that can actually see each other on somewhat regular basis AND when there is an end date where you’ll both be in the same place. For instance my boyfriend lives an hour away for school but we see each other every weekend or every other depending on our schedules. Being together and bonding in person is the most important part of any relationship but next to that — in an LDR — communication is vital. I talk to my guy almost every day via phone, anywhere from 10 min to an hour. We also FaceTime occasionally. The texting has gone WAY down which has been sad for me — ecstatic for him (lol).

    Every couple will be different and what’s important is that you communicate to each other what your communication needs are. Most men tend to have less of a need for contact in between seeing each other so the trick for women to ask for/state what they need without making the man feel like he did any wrong or that you’re unhappy. For instance when my BF was texting less and somewhat telling me he really preferred not receiving or typing long texts (that he’d rather talk to me on the phone later that day) I told him I would be happy with just getting a “hi” from him. That made him smile and now I’ll get random HI texts during the day which lets me know he’s thinking of me. BUT there are also days I’m tempted to text him (when he is not initiating) but I try not to do it so that he will miss me and give him space.

    Hope this helps

    #504742 Reply
    T from NY

    ps Bottom line is — it can be difficult to balance your needs with his comfort level but if you are constantly not hearing from him and he does not make an effort to make you happy — you may not be compatible. Good luck!!

    #506621 Reply

    If you’re not happy with the frequency of texts and calls, just let him now straight up. There is no set standard as to how many calls or texts you should receive and everyday is a different day. So ask for whatever is comfortable for you. Men, they really don’t know much and they are not mind readers. They normally think everything is ok. So just let him know that you’d prefer to hear from him a bit more becuase communication is essential in making ldr work. Don’t be demanding though and start asking him to checkin on you all the time

    #506622 Reply

    And oh, it helps to fall off the radar sometimes. They’ll wonder where you are and what you’re up to. They will start checking in with you voluntarily

    #514044 Reply

    Alyssa, I met my BF a year ago long distance and first time we chatted for hours on facebook (we have 1 friend in common). Then at the end of the chat he sent me his number and I sent him mine….30 seconds later he texted and we chatted more for hours on our cells. It was insane, after few days we moved to phone calls that lasted ALL night until 3, 4, 5am! We did that for weeks! We would go to sleep and by 8am, he would text, and kept texting from work too! GEEEEZZZZ! It was nuts!

    Our connection has been amazing from the very first message. After few months, we calmed down (thank God!) and on average we talk 40 minutes or more almost daily and it feels like 10 minutes. Not all relationships are like this. We are in love and want to get married and we are both in our 40’s. If you are heading into a serious relationship, you could be having more communication. If this is just casual, then consider the cost. It can get VERY expensive to date long distance! Those flights and expenses add up quick.

    Be with someone who wants to be with you and shows it!

    #514046 Reply

    I think it depends from couple to couple depending on what are your communication needs. It also depends on how often you see each other and if there is a time difference between the two of you and how busy you both are.

    My boyfriend and I have a 12 hour time difference. I am in New York and he is in Singapore but we meet every month or two (and spend almost a week together) but we talk everyday on the phone (well, almost like 99% of the time) for anywhere between 5 minutes to an hour. And I text more than him but he also enjoys texting so on an average it is anywhere between a few texts a day and a phone call everyday.

    I suggest you don’t get into the space where you’ll talk for hours everyday because it is difficult to sustain that level of communication especially if you’re working/ studying but do communicate everyday and meet as often as you can.

    Good luck! x

    #514050 Reply

    Hi Alyssa,
    Me and my BF are 1 year in LDR(I am moving to his city in June )
    We talk min 2 h a day on the phone and text like crazy – he always checks on me and always want to hear from me etc……we love to talk and like he says:this is all we have —also we try to see each other min every two weeks ( 300 miles distance )
    We are in love and we are in our 40’s .Every man is different and to be honest sometimes I give him space …I need my space also — but from no where he will send me a text saying : kisses or I miss You ……so I think its important for You to tell him , how important this is for You.

    #514292 Reply

    LDR’s are super tricky. New relationships without distance are tricky. Combine the 2 and it’s super duper tricky and not a lot of fun. I’m in a temporary LDR with my HUSBAND and I can honestly say that if not temporary, LDR’s are not worth it. And if there hasn’t been a bond formed before the distance, it is more likely to fail. Just my opinion. All you have is verbal communication so you will have to verbally communicate with him about what will work for you in a less than ideal new dating situation.

    As long as you can both communicate, you have a chance.

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