Can I ask this guy to be exclusive with me?

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  • #942755 Reply

    Hi, I met a guy from a dating app. We’ve been dating each other for the last 2 months, we regularly go on dates once a week which he initiates usually. He asks me a few days in advance and usually pays for all our dates.

    One thing I’ve struggled with is that this guy doesn’t seem to text much or call (we’re in our late twenties).

    He’s fairly inexperienced, he’s told me he’s never had a girlfriend before. We talked about what we’re looking for and it seems like we’re both on the same page he wants a relationship too. We’ve also talked about how we feel about each other, I’ve been fairly open to tell him I like him and he’s told me he feels the same.

    I have struggled with the lack of communication between dates, he’s the kind of person to text once a day. We don’t talk on the phone either but then again I haven’t mentioned that I want more of this from him.

    We’ve seen each other over 8 or 9 times now. Is it okay for me to ask him if he wants to be exclusive? I personally feel like I’ve reached the point where either I date him exclusively or move on if this isn’t going to progress further.

    • This topic was modified 7 months ago by ANM Staff. Reason: Fixing-up title and name
    #942756 Reply

    I am taking he is only communicating to arrange a date or ? some guys are like that , if he was like that from the beginning then this shouldn’t be something to worry about, however it might not be for you.
    Do you sleep with each other or just have casual dinner dates?
    I believe it is ok to ask a guy where you stand with him , guys usually take around 2-3 months and he isn’t really escalating , you still see each other once a week, unless it is because you are both really busy or because of the distance.
    I think the exclusive talk if you sleep with each other should have been way earlier, but if not I think it’s fine to ask now. However being exclusive doesn’t mean you are in a relationship with him.

    #942757 Reply

    We had the talk about what we’re looking for before we slept with each other. We’ve only slept with each other once. Most of our dates are dinners and drinks or if on the weekends we’ve been on walks and to the park together and got lunch. We’ve been to the museum too.

    He’s been like this from the beginning. He usually texts to make plans but lately he does try and text me a bit more about what he’s up to and send me pictures but it’s still once or twice a day.

    There have been instances where we’ve seen each other twice a week but it usually depends on how busy we are. We did have a bit of a gap in between because of holidays.

    I’m not sure if it’s because he’s inexperienced but I’d like to tell him that I want to see him more. Do you think it’s okay to do this via text?

    #942759 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    First rule of thumb, never discuss relationship stuff over text. It should always be done in person. There’s too much context/communication that’s lost over text. Texting is fine for making plans, chatting about your day or lighthearted topics, sharing songs/memes, being flirty etc– but anything about the relationship itself should be done in person.

    Having said that, if for the past two months you’ve been seeing this guy only once a week, not texting much or talking on the phone in between– that’s not a lot of time spent together or communicating with each other.

    I think it’s totally fine to tell him you’d like to see him more. Just have a conversation in person. I agree at this point he needs to poop or get off the pot (lol)– if you are not satisfied (and I wouldn’t be either) then either your interactions escalate, or you move on. Do you feel like his attention is escalating? Is he more affectionate, demonstrative, etc? Usually a guy asks to see you more often by 2 months if he wants to escalate to a relationship.

    #942760 Reply

    I’ll wait to bring it up when I see him next in person.

    Yh I have seen changes in person, he’s a lot more affectionate and wants to hold hands when we’re walking around. We do spend a lot of time hugging too. Our dates tend to be quite long, we spend around 5 or 6 hours together usually. He’s been telling me more about his family and friends and brings up things I text him in person to talk about.

    But yes, I’m not feeling that emotional connection. Meeting once a week is fine for me in early stages but usually that’s accompanied with contact in between.

    I’m feeling a lot of frustration because of the lack of contact. I’d rather know if he’s all in or not.

    At the moment, I’m not sure when I’ll see him next either. He usually texts me around Wednesday or Thursday to make plans. I have a thing I found online I want to do, shall I drop him a text and ask him if he wants to do that this weekend?

    #942761 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    I personally think that after 2 months, yes it’s fine to reach out him to to suggest a date. Especially if you’ve found something you’d like to do next weekend.

    I understand your frustration and I think it’s justified. This guy has never had a girlfriend so he may not know what to do. Although, it’s telling that he’s in his late 20s and never had a girlfriend…that’s somewhat unusual.

    Since you are the person with more experience, you will have to set the standard, I think. So in my book, it’s fine to ask him to get together next weekend, and plan to talk to him in person then. It’s normal to want more contact at this point.

    If you’re not feeling an emotional connection, he may not be the one for you. By now you would know if the chemistry/spark is there. He may be a perfectly nice guy, but without the chemistry, it will be hard to move things forward (not to mention, do you really want to commit to a guy you have no emotional connection with?)

    #942763 Reply

    There is a reason why he never had a girlfriend and I am pretty sure you’ll find out why sooner or later.
    You should not be waiting on him till Thursday to know when you see him next. If he sees you on the weekend he should be locking a date with you on Monday.
    I would not be waiting because by Thursday you should be having your own plans instead of waiting on him to ask you out.
    Next time he texts you on Thursday to make plans tell him I appreciate it but I was hoping you’d contact me sooner. I already made plans for this weekend…

    #942765 Reply

    Thank you both.

    I think it’s time I have a conversation with him. I don’t want to completely write him off just because he’s inexperienced. If he’s able to step up the communication and contact after I tell him then I want to give him a chance but I guess it could go either way.

    I’ll keep you all posted, I’m going to ask him about the weekend today and suggest the thing I want to do.

    #942766 Reply

    What did you tell him you were looking for, and he contacts you everyday… I suggesting bring more clear about what you are looking for (a committed relationship) and ask him…

    #942767 Reply

    I told him I’m not looking for anything casual/short-term or a hookup. I asked him if we were on the same page and he said he was.

    I thought I kind of implied what I was looking for with that message but maybe I need to be clearer?

    Is a few text messages a day really enough for people? I can be on the anxious side in relationships just to be clear.

    #942768 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    It just depends what you’re comfortable with. Some people are fine with little or no texting during the day. Some people like to text a lot. My partner and I are big texters when we’re at work, for example. He likes texting just as much as I do, and texted me a lot in the early stages of dating. Not all guys are like that.

    It’s OK to want more from this guy at this stage. I don’t think it makes you anxious. You don’t talk on the phone, and only see him about once a week, so texting 1-2 times a day isn’t much, honestly. It would be different if he called you regularly but he doesn’t. So what he’s doing is not much considering it’s been 2 months, in my opinion. But you also can’t force him to communicate more if he’s not willing or interested in doing that.

    I agree with Tallspicy that being direct with him about looking for a relationship. Part of developing a relationship is having more contact. You might have to spell it out to him.

    #942775 Reply

    I agree with what Ewa said, “There is a reason why he never had a girlfriend and I am pretty sure you’ll find out why sooner or later.”

    #942780 Reply

    I messaged him about the thing I want to do this weekend and he’s up for it so that’s confirmed. I think maybe I should put in more effort too, up to this point he’s usually the one to ask me out or make plans.

    I want to give him a chance at least by telling him clearly what I want because he does seem like a nice and sweet guy.

    I will keep you all updated

    #942781 Reply

    I know you have stated previously that he is not very experienced but I know that when a man wants you he will know what to do, how do you think guys who are just starting to date act? They don’t wait for a woman to ask them out, they are curious about her, they want to spend time with her, they miss her between the dates. It is natural , you don’t need experience to feel those things and now what to do.
    I am starting to feel like this guy is interested but it seems like he is not invested , he is ok with sitting back. You will see that he is hard work soon , you are already starting to do all the work for him. I know you said he asked you out up to this point etc , but only once a week . What are you doing during your dates anyway?

    #942783 Reply

    Thanks Ewa, I guess the other thought I had was that maybe he doesn’t like me enough?

    Quite a few of our dates have been dinner and drinks. He usually finds places he’s heard are good for food or bars/pubs that are popular and have good reviews, and we then get drinks.

    We’ve been to a museum before for an exhibition. I’m quite into cycling so he planned a cycling date through a park. I once suggested a restaurant and park so we also did that for lunch. I’ve been to his place too twice so far.

    I got the inexperienced vibe when he tried to kiss me the first time, it was really random and caught me off-guard so it was just a peck before I left. The second time was better. On our earlier dates he also got red in the face often and would be really shy around me, I had to open up the conversation. He also used to take time to reply to each of my texts like take up to 10 minutes to respond to each message and edit them (which made me feel like he was thinking a lot about how to respond).

    He seems to be more comfortable now with physical affection and talking about things when we’re together. He also started watching a show because I kept recommending it to him. He took me out so he can order a drink we had a joke about.

    But you’re right, interest and contact should naturally increase and right about now is the time when it should be clear whether he wants this or not.

    I’m going to clearly say where I’m at and what I’m looking for and if he’s not on the same page or place I think I’ll walk away. But I have this nagging feeling inside me that I have to be clear with him and tell him first. Maybe I shouldn’t get my hopes up.

    #942784 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    Is it possible he’s somewhere on the spectrum? Mildly? That could possibly explain the shyness/awkwardness and lack of experience.

    But regardless, as Ewa said, it shouldn’t feel like work to date a guy. She’s totally right that a guy who’s developing feelings for a woman will naturally seek her out and want more contact with her.

    I think having a conversation with him when you see him is fine. Just be clear about what you want. Maybe he just enjoys your company, is happy where you’re at, and isn’t really looking to get too serious (also like Ewa said, interested but not invested)– if that’s the case, you need to know.

    #942785 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    (BTW, my question about being on the spectrum was rhetorical, you can’t diagnose him obviously– and regardless of whether he is or not, you shouldn’t feel like it’s work to date a guy, as I said!)

    #942786 Reply

    Thank you Liz!

    Yup I have a feeling that might be it, which to me is no different to casual dating, and what I really don’t want lol

    I’m getting anxious thinking about it now, so I’m going to leave it to the weekend and go from there.

    #942787 Reply

    Don’t worry about it haha I’m not going to diagnose him unless he tells me otherwise

    Plus I feel like it pushes me into the realm of making excuses for his behaviour when I should be taking everything at face value

    #942788 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    Absolutely! That’s a really good way of looking at it.
    Just try to put it out of your head for now (easier said that done I know), and see what happens when you talk to him this weekend. Good luck and keep us posted!

    #942853 Reply

    Hello! Sorry for the delay in the update, a few things happened but I think it went well.

    We met up on Saturday and pretty much spent the whole day together. He was showing me pictures on his phone and I was also showing him the same when a notification on my phone from the dating app we met on appeared. He didn’t ask me about it but I saw his body language change a little. I felt like I ruined it, but weirdly I felt like he was trying harder after this?

    On Saturday he was telling me about his work schedule and that he was going to be in the city during the week. I work in the city, so he asked me out again for dinner on one of those days.

    We met up closer to my workplace and he took me out for dinner. After dinner I was going to tell him that I wanted to see him more often but he kinda said it first. He’s going on a trip with his friends this weekend which he told me about on Saturday but said that he wishes he was seeing me instead. I also told him that I wanted to see him more often and can’t wait to see him again. He told me he’ll try to be back early on Sunday so we could meet but I have plans on Sunday so that won’t work.

    At the end of our date he travelled back the same way as me so we could spend more time together even though it took him slightly longer to get back to his which I thought was cute.

    He’s going to be away with his friends this weekend and I also have some plans but I’ll wait to see what he does/plans when he’s back.

    #942854 Reply

    am I understanding this correctly, he said he wants to see you more but he is away this weekend so you won’t see each other during the week for example? He is not stepping up no matter what he says…

    #942855 Reply

    We met on Saturday, then Wednesday but he’s away this weekend and suggested Sunday but I can’t do Sunday.

    We will most likely meet next week though.

    #942856 Reply

    Am I being breadcrumbed/ getting the minimum?

    I feel like the overarching opinion is this… :(

    #942857 Reply

    OK fine at least you met 2 times a week, so that’s a progress. How is his texting? As I remember this was an issue as well?
    Let’s see what he does next week, you said you can’t do Sunday , did you offer alternative day or you are waiting on him?

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