Very mixed signals

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  • #817804 Reply
    Taylor Lowery

    So I’ve been talking to this guy for two weeks now and he kept saying I’m his girl and that we’re “dating”. All well and good. We discussed what we were each looking for and both landed on fwb and if there’s more great if not that’s great too. Well he finally asked me out for dinner last night and he stood me up. What I’m confused about though is why? He had messaged me that morning saying he couldn’t wait for dinner and he wanted to know if I was going to stay the night and I was more than welcome to. He even went as far as to tell me he was on his way and then he never showed. We text back and forth and we also have a Snapchat going with each other. And I just don’t understand. I’m always one to give the benefit of the doubt but I’m confused. He tells me things that I know are just words to get into my pants but we agreed on fwb. And he’s always taking screenshots of my cuter selfies on Snapchat. I know he’s probably using those to get his jollies off but wtf? He didn’t even come up with some lame ass excuse or anything

    #817805 Reply
    Taylor Lowery

    I should add that I posted two more selfies this morning on snap and he still took screenshots

    #817807 Reply

    He found someone else that he liked better to spend time with

    #817808 Reply
    Taylor Lowery

    Is it bad if instill want to talk to him? He messaged this morning and I honestly like talking to him. I just have no expectations now

    #817810 Reply

    That guy is an idiot. I wouldnt want a fwb with a guy that a stood you up and b acts like nothing happened. I would delete his number

    #817812 Reply

    If you want a “friend with benefits”, then why do you want to keep talking to a guy who won’t even show up for the “benefits”? Do you see how that makes no sense?

    You definitely are not being truthful with yourself if you are saying you have no expectations.

    #817828 Reply

    You aren’t even friends yet to have a FWB relationship. It sounds like a booty call or one night stand if you even got to the level. Have you met in person at all? How do you know you even want to sleep with him? If it is all online, it’s possible that he doesn’t look like his pics/stories, he has a girlfriend, has a wife, or is a bored teen boy and not actually a grown adult. There’s a world of possibilities there.

    BUT my big question is… WHY, WHY, WHY would you like a guy who stood you up especially with no excuses or apologies?

    If you continue talking to this person then you are showing him that his behavior is acceptable to you.

    #817837 Reply

    He is just a flake. Who knows why he stood you up?Found someone he liked better, had something else come up, chickened out…me it really doesn‘t matter.

    He is not your friend and he didn‘t show up for the benefits, so there is a no-situation there.

    If i were you i wouldn‘t waste my time on that one anymore. Plenty of guys out there who will „deliver the goods“ so to speak, who might also be pleasant to talk to as a friend.

    #817863 Reply

    He must have given a reason for not showing up?? You must have asked him why he didn’t show up? It makes no sense at all …

    Anyway these aren’t mixed signals. He stood you up. That’s a massive big signal that he isn’t interested and does not respect you or your time. Why cling on to this loser????

    #817898 Reply

    He stood you up & you still want to see him?
    Where is your self esteem…

    #817927 Reply
    T from NY

    I’m sorry you were stood up. Texting the same day and everything makes him a GIANT LOSER. What I wish for your future boss ass lady self is that you would NevEr waste time wondering or writing about a guy who did this to you.

    Next time an asshat reveals his true nature to you (and people always show you who they are) I hope you allow yourself to pissed for like …. 5-10 min. Then go get a snack, get a pedi, take a long bath, hang with a friend, have a glass of wine – ANYTHING else lovely rather than wasting one more moment wondering about a guy not worth a second thought.

    Be well. Work towards that.
    Only give good guys your energy.

    #818111 Reply

    You need self love. Then real love will come.

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