Should I risk reaching out to him

Home Forums Complicated Situation / Mixed Signals Should I risk reaching out to him

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  • #535395 Reply


    I was told that this site bans certain words like cussing words really harsh ones i hope that helps

    #535427 Reply

    But Vanessa he wasn’t dishonest. That’s what we’re trying to say! He told you every time you asked he wasn’t sure where things were heading between you. You just didn’t listen to him and now feel he tricked you when he didn’t. He’s done nothing wrong.

    I don’t think having sex is an issue. I think acting like you’re in a relationship when you’re not and moving too fast is!

    You’re also making a lot of assumptions. How do you even know he still has feelings for his ex or have I missed something here?

    In all honesty, I think you pushing may have pushed him away. He wanted to take things slow and get to know you. You wanted more right now and took it very personally when he wasn’t there yet.

    You’ve not been out of a relationship long have you? I’m wondering if some of what you felt about your ex is being projected onto this guy, or if you’re just used to being in a relationship and have forgotten what the early stages can be like?

    #535446 Reply

    I’m trying to figure out why would he get involved with me then if he’s not sure yet. I heard guys pretty much make there desicion after two months he started it with moving too fast with me first. So I just went along with it not just in a way of sex but that first date he was all up on me. In that movie theater I could tell he liked me the way he looked at me when he thought I wasn’t looking. Leaning all up against me he initiator with kissing me, bringing me to his coaching gig, inviting me to watch him play bb ball with his friends, I almost met his mom during breakfast but she most know of me if that’s the case.

    I don’t know if he still has feelings for his ex. Or what’s going on with that I mean come on I made assumption over seeing a picture but if its not true why is she still there. Then on side you have me you see what I’m saying that looks and feels shady.

    If he wanted to go slow he wasn’t making a clear indicator of that through his actions. That’s not fair to me at all then he wonders why I’m so upset. I pushed him away in a way he is pushing me away because he all not clear in the head.

    It hasn’t been long since my last break up about same time as his..
    I didn’t think I was projecting anything on to him from past relationships I felt I was going with my gut. That something didn’t feel right like something was wrong already it turned out it looks like something is wrong. His ex still in the picture going to family events he kept that hidden from me. Haven’t forgotten what it is like in the beginning of a relationship. Its all fun and happy but I felt I could been light hearted and happy. If he would of been honest about how complicated his situation was..

    I thought yeah he had a bad break up but didn’t think they we’re talking still. Or on good terms whatever I thought he was totally cut off like me with my ex that exactly how he made it see. That’s not cool or fair I would of told him if my case was like his for sure.

    Maybe I was projecting a little but I felt something was wrong..

    #535453 Reply

    Hi Vanessa-I see that you simply will not grasp/listen to what we are saying,so I will give up-however I think you are very unrealistic about dating/men etc. There are no guarantees in life or relationships and no-one is obligated to fall in love with you! I wish you luck.

    #535454 Reply

    You said, “He went on told me a long summary how it went down” and that he did that on the first date. Men don’t really talk about their problems. That he shared all that information on the first date tells me he is not ready for a relationship.

    From that, there was no way it could go well.

    Next time when you start dating a guy, qualify him first to see if he is available for a relationship. Is he happy with himself and his life. If not, proceed with caution.

    #535460 Reply


    Be done, I can’t believe your giving him the benefit of the doubt. I shouldn’t have to play inspector gadget its simply be honest. Two people dated with the same goal in there head then realize for some reason it isn’t working. That’s different at least there being honest with themselves and the other person. Dont lead someone on he knew I wanted a relationship he knew he couldn’t have one then what the hell is the point then..

    I thought him not being sure yet was because of him being guarded and be cautious not because your still trying to work your love life with your ex out. Why get involved with me if that’s the case having mutual respect is unrealistic.

    I get all the helpful tips everyone is giving me in the future to protect myself next time. But i can’t believe I’m being blamed for pushing him away when he was never there. Its not about walking away with no commitment or making him fall in love with me. Don’t waste time like that when you know where you head is it..

    #535461 Reply

    I’m done talking

    Thanks for the advice

    #535476 Reply

    People will sometimes act confusing. When someone acts confusing – says one thing, does another, it usually means they are not in their right headspace for a relationship.. Rebound guys are often like this. It’s not easy to spot them especially at the beginning since they will appear like a man smitten with you and wanting a future with you, when all they really want is a validation he is still a man and can make a woman swoon over him. Rebound women can be the same way. That’s why it’s important to know the person’s history. The only way to get to know the history is by dating and getting to know each other, which is what you did.
    You have a choice to have or not have sex when you are dating, but most often people do have sex, because, let’s face it, sex is pretty awesome and in a large part why people are attracted to each other and date in the first place.
    Unfortunately there are no guarantees in life. And especially in love. Love is fickle, relationships are hard and they often bring to the surface what’s unresolved within ourselves. Having sex with someone makes us all the more vulnerable to that person’s influence and power with us. No one is protected from being a rebound. It often appears just like a real budding relationship until you are slapped in the face wit the poignant truth that he simply isn’t ready for anything real with you regardless of the fact he may have feelings for you.
    I know this sounds like a contradictory statement, but it’s not. Feelings don’t make a relationship and vice versa. A relationship is about respect, boundaries, goals, it is a sequence of choices we make to develop and grow with our person of choice. When we are not sure about the person we are potentially growing with whether due to our past or their past is where that growth stalls.
    That’s what happened here, and as much as it seems like it should have been so obvious, only hindsight is 20/20 as you know. It’s nobody’s fault really that this went so bad. But you are both better off after this as you will have grown from this, as unlikely as it seems now, and as painful as it still is it made you think reflect and change. And that’s more than most things in life that can do that in a mere couple months.

    #535477 Reply

    Bedazzle has it 100% right. Any man who makes you his sounding board about his ex on the first date, had rebound written all over him.

    #535525 Reply


    I do not believe you are being blamed. You came on here to here honest and truthful advice from strangers whom are all over the world. The fact that you cannot accept that you have made mistakes as well shows how your character is towards your ex. I think you need sometime to be by yourself and try and learn to put yourself as priority. You do not need this guy. I truly think you need to take some time of and focus on yourself. Best of luck!

    #535527 Reply

    Ok, mine are mistakes why because I was given false info from him then left to decipher his actions which isn’t cool. His aren’t mistakes to me there dumb a** lies that he knew from the beginng used me as a play toy for his own comfort. Those aren’t mistakes he knows that’s why he’s trying to keep in contact I wasn’t acting crazy. Or over the top I can’t stand people who aren’t considerate of others feelings. He shouldn’t have gotten involved with me period..

    #535532 Reply

    I understand how you feel. I was in a similar situation, in fact much much worse than urs. What you have said here I have said it too many times in my head and to my ex. But the facts don’t change. I was really angry at people who give off false info/ hope. But you know what, many people are confused themselves so they are confusing. I was just not wise enough to recognize it. Whether I blame it on them or on myself, I am still the only person who takes full responsibility to mend my broken heart. But, well, I still wouldn’t regret, because when the moment u took the risk to fall in love, u took the risk of being hurt..

    #535540 Reply

    Hi Vanessa,
    I can see you feel like a lot are blaming you for what happened, but i think most are trying to tell you what i learned from reading up here and on other forums.
    1. Google the seven phases men fall in love – totally true. And before they make up their mind around 3 months, they will test to see if you are not too needy etc. I also found that to be true.
    2, most guys don’t use women. They like the girl and they desire sex, but that doesn’t mean they are bad guys. If you go along, its a two way agreement, but you have to realize that this is usually not how guys bond. So its a risk.
    3. If you tell a guy you feel used, most will be insulted and back off.
    4 Guys don’t understand emotional women talk. You have to speak out to a guy what you want, don’t want etc and they will understand that.
    5. I think this guy liked you, but you got carried away and saw the future with him in your mind and you wanted him to hurry. He didn’t want to yet, so the fighting started and that’s usually not a good sign for the future. I know what that is,

    So, educate yourself on men and dating and things will work out way better for you.

    #535544 Reply

    Vanessa are you so nieve to think that when a guy looks at you in a certain way on a first date it’s because he likes you? c’mon. He mighy have found you attractive and was appreciating that. You are carrying on like a sore loser. I feel embarrassed for you. Leave the poor guy alone and take a couple years to fix your anger low self esteem issues. Stop playing the victim, it’s a very unattactive quality and will turn most men off..

    #535555 Reply

    Two things: 1) Don’t be so quick to sleep with a man until you know him, and 2) only watch his actions and draw the line in sand where boundaries are crossed.

    #535556 Reply

    The actions (dates, setting up future dates to spend time with you) shows he is interested

    #535558 Reply


    Honesty no disrespect to you but please stop im not stupid i know there no way a guy can like me fully i know it’s mainly about how look more so than my personality. I really don’t know where the hell made you think i don’t understand that..

    It’s comments like that which so upsetting it’s getting on my nerves that’s not what im saying im really tired of repeating it. Guy was attracted to me fine great but if you know damn well im looking for one thing and your looking for another don’t contuine on like it’s something when its not..

    Everyone else has there own opinion whether they think that he actually liked me and i got carried away or not i don’t think he ever did like me as a person more so physically because his ex is still in the picture i feel it was more casual then anything he already knew i wasn’t up for anything casual.

    #535568 Reply

    Hi Vanessa-I finally understand that you were not really asking for advice. You just wanted everyone to comfirm/agree with you that you got played by a lying scumbag. If you already thought that of him, why did you need to have anyone else’s opinion? If you did get played (and I am not convinced that you did)-that is sad,but it happens -life is not fair. Yes,also-men are initially attracted by looks but stick around because of compatibility and personality.

    #535576 Reply

    Vanessa so I guess he played you..ok so next time take it slow, and don’t get carried away by sex and a little bit of attention. I think you are embarrased he fooled you, and you are projecting youranger on to him. It happens so pull your big girl panties up and deal with it as a woman, and not some high school teenager..and btw, no disrespect either

    #535588 Reply

    Sending HUGS since you are hurting…

    It will be ok, were you ok before you met this guy? And you can only control your actions not someone else’s. This happened, you can’t change what has happened in the past. Just think that YOU DID THE BEST YOU COULD under those circumstances, so don’t beat yourself up or blame him or yourself.

    I believe every experience you learn and grow from, you can’t control a guys behavior or actions or words, only your response. So, you got to experience a guy not ready, for whatever reason (and not sure he is still involved with ex., it could be that he grew close to her child and wants to still spend time with that child). Now, you have this experience to learn and grow from…when u meet another guy, first dates, watch for any wish-washy comments, or talking lots about ex’s, that will be a red flag.

    Remember, you did the best you could. Sending you more hugs

    #535595 Reply

    Hi Vanessa,

    I can see where you’re coming from but I don’t think he *did* know all along that he didn’t want anything serious with you.

    You’re assuming that he didn’t because you saw photos of his ex at a family party but you haven’t actually spoken to him about it. It sounds like the ex was invited separately to him, as his mum had the photo on her FB page and didn’t tag him in it. She could be a family friend, or it could be that the family are all really attached to the kid. If your guy referred to the ex’s son as his godson then I’d assume that the ex is a friend of the family personally.

    He never said that you should take things slow, you did. It was your suggestion in your message to him. He was trying to calm you down and talk to you and help you with your imaginary favour, and even checked whether you still needed help.

    OK, he’s not sure yet, but then 3-4 months is the usual time to become exclusive and you’re only 2 months in. You rushed this discussion because you saw some photos, got jealous and made assumptions. That led you to act out of anger and create this problem.

    I get it, uncertainty is horrible and it makes me feel on edge too. I am much more sensitive in the early stages, when there isn’t exclusivity and you don’t know where you stand. I think this feeling, coupled with the photos, is what’s causing you to feel this way. I know you’d have liked him to reassure you and tell you it was going somewhere but it’s too early on for either of you to decide that.

    I honestly feel that you should apologise for being rude and ask him how he feels about the ex and whether or not she is in his future/what links she has to the family, and whether or not he plans to keep his godson (and therefore the ex) in his life.

    I can understand where you’re coming from, It just seems like emotions are running high for you right now and you’re not thinking or acting clearly.

    #535651 Reply


    I was asking for advice if I should reach out to him or not considering everything I explained the pictures.So most of you think he isn’t involved with his ex and I overreacted.


    Thank you, maybe your right about her and her son being a family friend now. I dont know and I dont know if I’m brave enough to ask and find out either. I dont know I’ll think about it just seems weird there break wasn’t that long ago now all of sudden they made peace that’s crazy. My ex cheated on me also I still haven’t forgave him I made peace with the situation but I know there’s no way in hell I can be around him or have a friendship with him.

    #535658 Reply

    Hi Vanessa-Being cheated on is crappy and painful. That likely explains some of your over-reaction here. The hard thing to do-but you must if you want to move forward-is not confuse a new guy’s actions with the old boyfriend. It is tempting to look for/read into something he says or does that may mean nothing. Be aware yes but try to enjoy things at face value and believe him,unless he conclusively proves he does not deserve it.
    You would not want your boyfriend to judge you by an old girlfriend’s actions. Please believe the posters on here were/are trying to be helpful. Really re-read the advice and think more objectivly abput it. As for what to do now-it depends. Either move on if you can’t trust him or feel he does not offer you enough or contact him and ask to start fresh. You don’t need to mea culpa yourself to much to him. Keep it simple-“sorry,I think I mis-judged you and was unfair” Then move forward. Again-I wish you luck/happiness.

    #535662 Reply

    He told you exactly how he felt and what he did (and did not want) but you saw his actions as declarations of a future. We’ve all done it, next time take at least several months before you invest your heart, move on from him and learn from this for the next one.

    #535664 Reply


    I’m sorry exactly what did he make clear?

    To everyone

    So your all saying its on me because I didn’t listen? To his “I’m not sure yet” It wasn’t like I was trying to force him after he told me that it did upset me though..
    Because I wanted to know what was wrong but then you guys are saying of course he wouldn’t be sure because 2 months isn’t enough time. An also because of my reactions to him because of my feelings in my gut that something is wrong. Then seeing the pictures I felt like I confirmed my suspicious but now some some of you are saying you feel he actually liked me I made assumptions again. Over the picture with a ex at a family affair with out asking him what’s going on with that..
    Well I didn’t want to risk it lol when in my head it seem clear as day. But apparently to you guys I’m wrong I’m not seeing clear day but far clouds instead..

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