“Separated but Still living with his soon to be ex wife…

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  • #823703 Reply

    So my ex-boyfriend from 15 years ago and I recently reconnected. Says he’s separated, staying in a different bed room then his wife. He’s never lied to me in the past. His biggest pet peeve is “liars”. Is there anyway I should believe him? Says he plans to move out into his rental, townhouse when his renters move out come January 2021…

    #823710 Reply

    My ex lived with me for 3 months after we split. Totally legit, no break up sex, nothing. But i broke up with him so i guess I’d want to know why they split? Also be careful of being the rebound!

    #823714 Reply

    #1. He’s still married.
    #2. Welcome to Rebound City Limits.

    #823718 Reply

    A few reasons. Her attitude as well as how insensitive she was when his mom was dying from cancer. Long story short, seems more and more things just destroyed the marriage to no return. He’s divorcing her.

    #823765 Reply

    If you believe him it is possible. Keep watch he does move out when he says he will. I would keep contact minimal until he moves out. He is in a vulnerable state now and my be confused – so do not make plans with him for a while. Do not be a rebound.

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