Ex hasn’t yet removed me off social media,does he still care?

Home Forums Dating and Sex Advice Ex hasn’t yet removed me off social media,does he still care?

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    We split up two months ago now.
    He hasn’t removed me from social media.
    Could this mean he still cares?
    Surely if he didn’t care he would delete /block me from it all?


    Honestly it could go either way. There a lots of possible answers. No one knows the real reason but him. I’ve blocked exes on social media because it would hurt to see them moving on eventually. I’ve not blocked exes on social media because I didn’t want to make the situation worse than it already was. Only he can tell you.



    You know what means something… that he broke up with you. You know what means nothing? That he still has you on his social media. These types of questions always make me so sad. The only thing that matters is that you’re broken up. If you need to block him or unfriend him or whatever, then do it. Him not removing you from social media means nothing. It means that he hasn’t gotten around to it or he doesn’t care or he wants to be the good guy. The only thing that would matter , if he wants to be back with you, is that he calls you up and says ‘ I want to be back With you’.


    I agree with Tallspicy. My ex and I are still friends on social media but we haven’t contacted since we broke up. It’s hard but just focus on yourself for healling.

    ANM Staff

    You’re the same person who posted in this thread here.

    I’m going to lock this thread. There is no need to post multiple new threads asking the same thing. You are welcome to continue the conversation in your other thread. Please answer the question I posted to you in that thread, though.

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