First time being ghosted why did he do it?

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  • This topic has 9 replies and was last updated 4 years ago by Newbie.
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  • #790410 Reply
    so confused

    Why did he randomly ghost me?
    This is my first time ever being “ghosted” and I’m having a difficult time wrapping my mind around what happened. I was talking to this guy for about 2 months, nothing too serious just getting to know each other really. We had plans to hangout once quarantine ended so until then we’d been texting/snapping everyday. He was cool & things were going well. We never had conflict since we weren’t that serious. Well I texted him about hanging out and he responded a normal causal text, nothing rude or anything at all and nothing to make me question anything. Well I get on Snapchat about 15 minutes afterwards and see that he’d blocked me. So I text him saying if you’re trying to send a signal just say so we weren’t that serious so I’m not going to be mad I just appreciate people being upfront and if he wanted to cut communication by all means we could do so. After that text, he blocked me on every single thing possible and unmatched me on a dating app.
    I honestly cannot pinpoint anything I did to warrant this and I’m kind of having a hard time. Everything was perfectly fine & then boom I’m blocked. The only possible reason I could think of is because his friend and I followed each other on Instagram but that still doesn’t really make sense. And I wouldn’t see why that was a big deal as we weren’t even in a relationship or seriously “talking.”

    Any advice or insight? Thanks so much!

    #790411 Reply

    Sounds like he never wanted to meet. Lots of married men etc online at the moment filling in time. Don’t take it personally he bailed because you wanted to meet up.

    #790416 Reply

    Why do you care? You never met, just wasting some time chit chatting with a virtual online stranger, and he decided to cut it off for whatever reason. He was probably chit chatting with several ladies with zero intention of actually meeting them, or he liked one better and didn’t want her to see you and him talking? Tons of reasons of which shouldn’t matter because its a simple case of millions of idle bored people wasting time online.

    You need to develop thicker skin especially when talking to strangers online. Don’t get involved in the social media realm with a guy until you’ve developed a real life in person bond over a two to three month period of time, and its clear that the two of you are starting the process of formally integrating yourselves into each others lives as a couple. That way no one can block you when you develop and adopt the KISS rule by not only keeping it simple but not caring or giving a hoot what strangers you’ve never met do or don’t do.

    #790417 Reply

    You weren’t ghosted…
    You did not have a relationship with this guy.

    Why were you following his friend on Instagram?

    #790424 Reply

    I’m with the others who replied. He never had any intent to meet up from the start.

    Many married men are online, they’re bored & lonely. Did he really tell you much about his life? All small talk & flirting?

    I’m sorry this happened to you, it’s disappointing. Online friends are pretty common these days. Realize that they are not relationships that will go anywhere, most of the time.

    This happened to me once with a guy I emailed for 5 months. He up & vanished, no explanation, no goodbye- nada.

    I was sure hurt but in the future I took any online musings with a guy with a grain of salt. I try to focus on meeting men in real life so real chemistry develops. Talking over text or email is talking to a computer. Men don’t get attached to a woman this way.

    Please try to move on, forget about him. He was probably married or otherwise attached.

    #790425 Reply
    so confused

    Y’all are probably right! I know he’s not married for a fact haha but he may have a girlfriend or something, he goes to school our of town but is home now due to the virus. And it was his idea to hangout once quarantine ended, I just followed up on it but since it’s close to ending here if he wasn’t serious about hanging y’all are most likely right.

    #790453 Reply

    I’m sorry this happened to you. Unfortunately, there’s nothing you can do. It’s not your fault.

    Sometimes people just get bored. Perhaps they met someone else. Perhaps they were never serious. Perhaps they just wanted attention. Perhaps they were too scared to meet, in the end. Sometimes people never end up meeting – even before the lockdown some people would ghost people after months of talking.

    Normally, people are advised to meet online dates fairly soon, to avoid being strung along by people who aren’t really interested in taking things to the next level. The lockdowns have made this a bit more complicated- you can’t meet a guy as quickly as you could in the past to see if he’s genuine. It’s also made people more lonely. Perhaps there are more people out there who don’t really want to date but just felt hungry for attention.

    We’ve all been ghosted. It looks promising, then someone fades out. Sometimes people even fade bck in, but I don’t recommend giving someone a chance once they got bored of you. You deserve someone who doesn’t get bored talking to you.

    You’ve been talking for a couple of months, which is a while. But you hadn’t met and weren’t in a relationship according to what you’ve said. I echo the advice not to add someone on social media until it’s been a few months of real life dating and you’re properly integrated into each other’s lives.

    #790458 Reply
    so confused

    Thank you for your advice! I guess I just didn’t really see it as a big deal since weren’t in a relationship and we had more mutual friends than just the person I was talking to. But I do see y’all’s point of view for sure! I think I’m bothered so much because he went to such extremes such as blocking me. I find that so unnecessary. I could understand if I blew his phone up nonstop but that wasn’t the case, our communication was mutual and if I ever felt it wasn’t I wouldn’t reach out. I just find the blocking on everything to be what stung the most because there just wasn’t a reason for it.

    #790468 Reply

    No, you’re right to be hurt. It’s a dick move on his part. I’m sorry that it shook you a bit, and that he was rather excessively blunt about it.

    It’s just that nastiness like that can be common in internet datiing. I used to get ghosted – soemtimes they’d come back months later and barely acknowledge that they’d disappeared. By that point I’d moved on and would be seeing someone new.

    #790490 Reply

    Getting ghosted on or blocked when there was no reason for it, gives you a feeling you are considered trash. Its really a crappy feeling. But you have to let go and not give this guy the braincells to post twice about him. Move on and not invest in the next prospect too early on. Take care

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