Defriend a Ghost?

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  • #458896 Reply

    Ok, so I have a petty question but it has been bothering me lately, so I thought I would come on here and get an outside opinion: Should I defriend from social media the guy who ghosted me a week ago? We had been seeing each other for a couple of months and yeah it sucks to be ghosted but I realize that this is his way of telling me he thinks we aren’t a good match. I know I am not owed an explanation as to what went wrong but I’m doing my best to get over it.

    However, the one thorn in my side is that every time I sign onto social media I see his stupid face right away. He is constantly posting updates and when I see them I can’t help but look for clues as to why I was ghosted. The main thought in my head: did he leave me for a better girl? I know on sites like Facebook you can keep them as friends but hide all their posts from appearing on your wall but on my beloved Instagram, I don’t think this is possible. The kicker is that he was the one who was so eager to be friends with me on all these sites but I was a little weary about it because I had a feeling something like this would happen.

    I want to defriend him because it is hindering me from moving on because I keep looking for answers as to what went wrong. And I also wonder as to why should I be friends with someone who doesn’t want me in their life. Hell, since he could care less about me, he might not even notice that I went missing. On the other hand, I think I should remain friends with him because I don’t want to feed his ego. I want him to think I could care less about him and I really do know in the future I really won’t care about him. Sigh- just at this point in time seeing his face pop up constantly really isn’t doing any good for my self-esteem.

    #458901 Reply

    just defriend him!

    #458908 Reply

    This is where our own egos get in the way..

    You really think he will notice or care? Because if he did.. Don’t you think he would have defended you first? He is not a friend.. Just delete him and give it no more thought than that.

    #458910 Reply

    I meant deleted you first

    #458913 Reply

    I’m of the belief that if you dated the guy for two months then you should have gotten an explanation as your time is valuable. However, I would just delete him. I doubt it will cause too much of a ripple in his world.

    #458915 Reply

    Why is this even a question is my question.

    #458940 Reply

    YES! ASAP! I had to get rid of 2 guys on Facebook because of the drama they caused on Facebook to get me going. Facebook is the worst arena when you first dating someone. I WILL not friend any new guy that I am interested in getting to know personally! Facebook is another easy avenue to avoid true communication.

    Defriend him. And if he is friends with mutual friends of yours, block him. Had to do that with one of the guys I had in my life.

    #459069 Reply

    You know what feeds his ego?

    You not moving on. I would go ahead and unfriend him asap and forget about him.

    Who cares what he feels or thinks?

    #459075 Reply

    Just delete him. I doubt he will even notice.

    #459109 Reply

    Yes you should defriend him. If you can’t help but to look at his posts to see why he ghosted on you and you feel like it is hindering your ability to move on then definitely defriend him now. You have better things to do with your time to worry about this guy!

    #459112 Reply
    Feminine energy

    I disagree. Don’t delete him. He could be pulling the reappearing/disappearing man act. Take him off your Facebook feed. Don’t give him that power. Maybe delete him from Instagram, but I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of knowing that you cared that much.

    #459126 Reply

    I dont add any guy Im dating to FB. He is not my friend. Once he has earned it, we can see if I will add him.
    I have had guys ask me why I dont add them. I say because my friends and family on FB are my private world and I need to know you well enough to introduce you to my people.

    Ridiculous, these days, go on one date and you have guys trying to add you on Linkedin and FB.

    #459127 Reply

    And I dont want to be on their friends list either

    #459311 Reply

    Interesting Andrea. One of the guys who I told I would not accept his friend request on FB again invited me to connect with him on LinkedIn. I thought that was bizarre! So immature this guy. No longer attracted to him. But he reached out to me via FB after commenting on his sister’s post. He tries to start things up. Blah! It’s so sad! Very damaged by his ex wife. It’s terrible. Thus is what we have to deal with!

    #459315 Reply

    I’d unfriend & unfollow him because keeping him on your social networks is hindering you. if he notices & asks you about it, you could casually say you were just cleaning up your sites deleting people you don’t talk to anymore, that way it wouldn’t flatter him lol but I doubt he’ll notice

    #459329 Reply

    Unfriend him. Who cares what he thinks? Do what feels right for you. After my ex fiancee vanished on me during my miscarriage in the hospital and it was him that felt vindicative later when he noticed I was on a dating site, he started putting up pix of him and his formerly ex and reconnected girlfriend on my wall. He did this five times in a row. I about died. You can imagine how that felt and I was only dating to try to rebound (bad decision but nevermind). I unfriended him right away and deleted him completely. I felt much better after that. In my opinion everyone hurt by a guy should do this because here we often hear girls telling us about checking out their profiles and how it hurts, what is this good for to torture ourselves?

    #677412 Reply

    To those who don’t get why the OP is even asking, it’s not about sending a message to the ghost. It’s about maintaining her own peace and sanity.

    I finally pulled the pin on a friend with whom, in the beginning, I got on like a house afire. There were soooo many common interests, tastes, and opinions I couldn’t believe it. There was also some unusual back history that I can’t really go into for the respect of everyone’s privacy. And then this person just turned ghost on me. Because of how tings started, I couldn’t accept this right away and called her out on it, to which she responded by enthusiastically affirming our friendship. (Weird, right? Don’t most ghosts just continue to ghost?) And we’d start texting again, only to have her drop off the face of the earth again in mid conversation. As in, one day she’d say something to tease my interest, like “You’ll never guess what happened…” or “Lots of exciting things happening here, tell you all about it tomorrow”…and then the next day, poof! she’d vanish again. It was like watching your favorite show or a big game on TV, only to have the power go out during the commercial break. It was also very hurtful to be blown off in the middle of a conversation. How much more disrespectful is it possible to be?

    Because of our shared interests, we belong to many of the same FB groups–in fact, it was through friending this person that I discovered many of these groups. Every time I looked at one of the group pages, where they show a few members you know, her “stupid [smiling] face” was ALWAYS there. And it does hurt to look at someone when you realize that they have totally lost all interest and motivation in maintaining and nurturing a friendship with you. Although this situation was strictly platonic, it still hurt to see her face at the top of every one of these group pages, like another little piece of my heart being torn away.

    And now that’s done. Because I unfriended, I don’t have to see her anymore.

    #677435 Reply

    I really think women on this site should stop telling each other that a man you are dating doesn’t owe you so much as a word to you should he decide he’s not into you. He does or he’s a rude jerk. Can we stop saying to each other this is ok unless your officially his girlfriend? Because it’s not ok… that’s number one.
    Number two, just defriend this rude jerk.

    #677436 Reply

    3 year old post. Sigh. But I agree that men, and all people, owe each other respect. It’s crazy what guys think they can get away with because they don’t “owe” someone something’

    #690553 Reply

    My ghost blocked me a few days ago.

    IOW it looks like she didn’t even notice she’d been defriended until about eight weeks after the fact!

    Which is as good a reason I can think of for defriending. Not that she apparently went into a “rage” and blocked me, but the fact that she couldn’t be bothered to check my page or follow me, never mind ghosting on DMs. I really didn’t see this coming. If you defriend somebody who’s been ghosting you, why do they care?

    #690554 Reply

    ETA – And I haven’t texted her since early January.

    #728216 Reply

    Pretty interesting post…. so I did the opposite, I stopped texting to a girl that I liked, because she started dating someone else, and wanna be respectful, we used to text each other a lot and suddenly she disappeared, she didn’t text for a month and whenever I sent her a meme on IG, she would just see it and not say a thing, I got the message, didn’t even lift a finger to find out what’s going on… out of the blue, one afternoon, she texted me something stupid, I didn’t answer it, and forgot to do it… then she started sending people why I was being mean to her, I just kinda changed the subject because it’s none of other people’s bussiness what I think of her, and all of the sudden, she blocked me on Instagram and unfriended me on Facebook and then whenever she’ll see me, she would look at me angry and will give me an attitude… did her blocking me and unfriending me give me an ego boost, it did… so don’t block anyone, only unfollow, you will remain on their orbit but you will not see any posts… PS: People say she is in her right to be angry at me for ghosting her, well, I’m not anyone’s napkin that you will use to cry on while your boyfriend is having the fun, I could be discovering the cure for cancer or something like that you know, instead of listening to you bull… hope this helped

    #728241 Reply

    I don’t understand why this is an issue…
    Why would you keep trash in the house?

    #728243 Reply

    Ther is an unfollow button for wimps who can’t just bring the,selves to hit a delete button. So immature.

    I think if you break up or have a person ghost, obviously they know you are either mad or being mature and moving on. I get no reason except if you are s old how you would feel gratification someone blocked you. So childish. It’s emabrrasing how so many adults act with social media.

    You can be indifferent and delete someone. If you want to read into this some whacked out idea that it means something, more power to you. But it’s the mind set of an adolescent not an adult who takes charge and as raven says, throws away the trash.

    #728617 Reply

    Hey, aren’t you tired of spending your evenings alone? These girls will help you pass the evening, come and choose your favorite :) (Copy link to your browser)

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