How to Feel Great Even Though You’ve Gained Weight post image

I am currently struggling with something that I’m sure more than a few of you can relate to: I gained a bunch of weight over the holidays and am still trying my darnedest to get rid of it.

I don’t even really know how it happened, it was like I woke up one day and all of a sudden the jeans I used to be able to wear so comfortably became suffocating torture devices and I found myself going head-to-head with the stubborn zippers on my favorite dresses, the ones that used to glide right up so easily. I’m taking all the right steps, eating less, exercising more, but it’s been an agonizingly unfruitful process and the pounds aren’t melting away as quickly as they implanted themselves.

Now this isn’t gonna be an article about how I lost the weight, or about my valiant efforts to get back where I was. I was inspired to write this because I realized that this slight change on the outside caused some major changes on the inside and in the past month,  I’ve barely been able to recognize myself. All of a sudden I was insecure, introverted, and riddled with self-doubt. I also became someone who constantly berated herself which was disappointing because that is something I always speak out against. I was traveling down a very detrimental path, one that would have caused the Sabrina who started ANM a year ago to smack me right across the head, and justly so: I let myself get caught up in the idea that my weight meant everything.

So what happened exactly? Well I lost perspective and veered off course. Now I’m back and while I’m still working to get myself back to where I was, I have learned to accept where I am now and to feel great even though I’ve put on some weight.

Read on for my tips! [continue reading…]

Accessories to Keep your Home (and You) Warm and Cozy post image

Your steam pipes are clanking and your thermostat is set on “BRRR, it’s too cold to even think about going outside.” It’s that time of the year when you just want to cozy up and wait out the cold in your PJs with a cup of hot chocolate ‘til spring brings warmer days.

While we are fans of winter fashion here, we don’t discriminate when you’re all about indoor, at-home activities, especially when winter’s frightful weather is looming. For those spending more time at home, there are ways to warm up your pad without raising the thermostat. Some key accessories can brighten up a room and make it cozier for stylish winter hibernation.

And when you’re ready to socialize again, you can show off your well-accessorized digs to friends who simply haven’t discovered the art of relaxation through a little decoration.

Here are our top picks to cozy up in your casa de comfort: [continue reading…]

How to Handle Criticism Like a Champ post image

“To escape criticism- do nothing, say nothing, be nothing.” These words, spoken by famed writer Elbert Hubbard, hit the nail right smack on the head. Criticism can be crippling and the fear of being criticized can be catastrophic. It can prevent you from taking those grand risks that lead to greatness and hinder you from reaching your full potential.

I’ve faced my fair share of criticism and I am sure all of you have as well. A little while ago, someone said some not-so-nice things about ANM and I was simply devastated. I mean ANM is my baby, it’s what I put my heart and soul into. Even in the face of all the positive feedback we’ve received, this one little comment caused me to crumble. The experience really got me thinking about criticism and how to deal with it.

Everyone, from the most beautiful women to the most talented singers to the most insightful writers, has haters out there who think them ugly, untalented, inarticulate and so on. It’s no wonder so many celebrities crack under the pressure of intense scrutiny. I’m not sure how well I’d be able to handle it, a sentiment that is undoubtedly widely shared.

There is no way to avoid criticism, especially when you put yourself out there and do something bold and daring, but there are ways to learn how to take it like a champ and casually dust the cruel words right off your shoulders.

Read on to learn how to handle criticism with grace: [continue reading…]

Battle of the Bloat: Easy Ways to Beat Beauty-Busting Bloat post image

Feeling bloated is near the top of the list of ways to make us feel our most unattractive. Even if our hair looks awesome and we finally perfected our makeup with a killer smokey eye, or even if we scored that insanely hot party dress on sale (that we were astounded to have found in our size!), none of that seems to matter if we feel FAT and huge around our bellies. Bloat: The horrible feeling of ever tightening pants, the panic that any second the seams around the mid section of our dress might burst, feeling we weigh 90 pounds more than we do… Bloat is the last thing we want to be dealing with during the stress of the holidays.

The reason for our physical distention, and why our mental and emotional attention gets so focused on our belly is because there is just so much going on in there! Bloating is an outward symptom of our food not being properly digested. The gastric and digestive juices are being kicked into overdrive, indicating that something is not digesting optimally- to put it lightly.

Which brings us to our 2 easiest ways to keep bloat down and prevent bloating in the first place. I think you’ll be psyched to see how simple they are, and that yes you can do this!! You can indeed prevent a good deal of bloat from occurring. [continue reading…]

More Bad Habits To Stop And Good Habits to Adopt post image

A whole new year is almost upon us. A time to do away with the bad and start anew with the good to make this next year a great one. We still have a few weeks before the New Year, but that doesn’t mean we should wait to start putting our best selves forward. From superficial improvements like buying clothes in the right size to mental improvements like letting go of the past, little adjustments can make a world of a difference when it comes to your life and overall happiness.

And with that, I bring you another installment of bad habits to stop and good habits to adopt. [continue reading…]

Hostess with the Mostest: 5 Gifts for the Lady of the House post image

Remember when you were a kid and your mom took a little something to her friend for having you all over for dinner? Well the lost art of hostess gifts should be returned. It’s amazing that this day in age, we don’t bring a treat for the lady who put in all the hard work – so we could chow down on a delicious dinner, tasteful drinks or participate in the house party of the year.

We’re not talking about anything hugely expensive or extravagant. Check out these great items all under $25 and show your gratitude! [continue reading…]

8 Ways To Make Your Home an Indoor Sanctuary post image

Winter is coming on and we are all going to be spending more time in our homes. It is a good time to not only get our space into shape to accommodate us and our holiday guests, but to really create a peaceful, lovely place for us to dwell, unwind, and recharge.

Read on for my top 8 ways to create a sanctuary in your home: [continue reading…]

Invest in the Pink: Riedel Breast Cancer Stemware post image

You have all heard of investment fashion, but investment pieces work for home style as well. Now, I know you’re probably still a transient young adult (I’m still moving apartments too!) so lifetime furniture is a no-go (who wants to haul around a Pottery Barn sofa?). But one area where this wine-loving, party-thrower has found ideal investment pieces is stemware. Riedel, in fact. [continue reading…]

A Drink Fit for Fall: Toss Off the Coattails and Jump into a Champagne Cocktail post image

The start of fall means football, pumpkins and plenty of baked goods. But sometimes you want to put aside sports and focus on something more elegant – and with the chill in the air and holidays fast approaching at-home cocktail parties are the way to go.

Now I know most of you can throw together the food – just hit up Dean & Deluca for some cheese, meats, bread and fruit. But the drinks are a bit trickier. Beer? Save it for the boyfriend. Wine? For some reason, a bit too simplistic. So spice up your fete with my fave at-home sparkler: Champagne Cocktail. [continue reading…]

More Household Items That Will Help You Organize post image

Organization has always been a problem for me in all areas (organizing my time, closet, desk, etc.) which is why I’m very grateful to have Nicole Abramovici, founder of Genius Organizing, in my life and as a contributor to ANM.

Due to the popularity of her first article, I asked Nicole to compile five more household items that can be used for organization, which she was more than happy to provide. Nicole encourages her clients and readers to look more carefully and creatively at common objects and to try to find new ways to reuse them to stay organized without spending money.

Read on for more of Nicole’s GENIUS ideas! [continue reading…]

Home Is Where The Style Is: Tips To Decorate For Cheap post image

Whether you’re an unfortunate casualty of the economy or trying to decorate on a summer job’s income, re-styling a room on a budget is always a challenge. Yes, there’s IKEA, but I must disclose this now: I’ve never set foot in an Ikea and never plan to.

So what’s the best way to get a fresh, stylish home without shelling out too much dough?

Read on to find out! [continue reading…]

Household Items That Will Help You Organize post image

One of the most common mistakes I see people make when trying to organize is buying organizing tools that they wind up not needing and which ultimately take up valuable space. Money is spent on bins, boxes, drawers and racks that very frequently are found to be the wrong size or just plain unnecessary.

Sometimes current storage items get emptied  of their junk and can be used again to store items that have been deemed “keep-worthy.” In other cases, there are organizing tools lying around unused and forgotten that can be put into play. Further, there are many household items that can be re-purposed into handy and useful organizing tools. Especially during this recession, it’s good to use what you’ve got and not spend money that you don’t have to.

Below I am going to share with you my Professional Organizer’s Fave Five Ordinary Household Items That Can Help You Get Organized.

Read on to see how many of these objects you already have and how to put them to good use! [continue reading…]

Easy Ways To Beat The Heat This Summer post image

As much as I love the summer time, I truly hate paying for the cost of air conditioning. I mean, I would way rather spend that money on a good pair of shoes!

I am a huge fan of Yoga and firmly believe it can solve almost every issue in life. This belief was further enhanced thanks to YogaWorks instructor Peggy Hall, who shared some amazing, and inexpensive, tips to stay cool this summer without.

From easy yoga poses to dietary fixes, to the temperature of water when you shower, to new ways to utilize commone household items, these tips will definitely keep you and your wallet very happy this summer.

Read on for her top 10 tips for beating the heat without the AC! [continue reading…]

Be Chic, Be Organized: Best Planners post image

One of the best ways to stay organized in life, work and in general is with an agenda. To some it’s a diary to others it’s a planner; whatever you call it, it serves the same purpose in many different forms. There are monthly versions, which lay out the month with little space for detail. Then you have the weeklies that map out a week, usually Monday to Sunday which, depending on the size of the planner, leave a limited amount of space. For those of us who are a bit busier, there are the daily planners, with each page dedicated to a single day. Some planners even list time by the hour!

Buying a planner is like going to Starbucks. There are so many different options, additional add-ins, like calculators, note section, address book, etc. You want something chic and portable, but still practical and useful.

Organizing and practicing time efficiency starts here. Buy a planner and start to write things down. From the time of your favorite TV show to a morning run, log it, do it, and don’t forget about the dinner promise you made to your mother last month. With many options below you will be sure to find one that matches your lifestyle.

Check out my top 10 planner picks after the jump! [continue reading…]

Free To Be Young: Look Youthful Without Speding A Dime post image

There are thousands of products on the market – some of which work and some which don’t – for combating wrinkles, age spots, sagging skin and all the unsightly tell-tale signs of aging. There are innovative procedures such as injections for just about every body part – lips, nasolabial folds, crow’s feet, neck, hands – even feet. There are surgeries to correct just about any flaw you can think up.

I am not against opting for procedures that can safely make me look and feel younger, but I just thought I’d remind you that there are plenty of things you can do to start Aging Backwards that won’t cost an arm and a leg. In fact, they’re free.

Find out what they are after the jump!

[continue reading…]

Stop Grinding: Sleep Better and Look Younger post image

A few months ago, I received some unsettling news from my dentist: I was grinding my teeth in my sleep, something I had apparently been doing for quite some time (the condition is formally known as Bruxism). The grinding had gotten so bad that I had actually started wearing away at the surface of my teeth!

The news was a bit unsettling but also somewhat of a relief as it elucidated why I was experiencing some strange symptoms- trouble sleeping, headaches, jaw tension, and aching gums. However, it wasn’t much of a relief when I asked my dentist what could be done to rectify my little predicament. His solution was to fit me for a mouth guard, which would cost me over a grand! The alternative? Settle for life as a tooth grinder, or bruxist, and continue to deal with the many detrimental side effects. Not wanting to shell out that much money to correct a problem I never really knew I had, I decided to hold off, figuring I would find a better way to solve this issue.

I had put this problem on the back-burner, convincing myself it really wasn’t that big of a deal. In a fortuitous twist, Eric, who knew nothing about the problem that I was pretending not to have, mentioned that a friend of his had actually invented a new product designed to cure my condition! While a mouth guard would stop tooth grinding itself, this new design, the SleepGuard, would actually solve the problem for good at its root.

Naturally, I decided to give it a try and the results were so great, I just had to share it with all of you, especially since I’m sure more than a few of you are amongst the millions who suffer from this condition

[continue reading…]

Summer Candle Picks post image

Summer Candle Picks

Even though it’s summer, we’re still spending some time indoors (Heat wave! Thunderstorm!) and that means candles are just as in-style as Havaianas. As a candle aficionado, here are some picks for the best of the season.

Check them out after the jump! [continue reading…]

Staying Young- What Does It Take? post image

When the Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon set out to find the Fountain of Youth he found Florida instead. He wasn’t the first to look for healing waters that could restore youth, either. The legend goes as far back as the time of Alexander the Great, who supposedly searched for such waters in eastern Asia. Today, we’re still looking for the magic fountain or pill that will keep us young forever. While there’s no “magic” involved, there are ways to look and feel much younger than your chronological age. Almost daily, news reports recount the results of new research covering all aspects of anti-aging and beauty, from advancements in lasers and skin creams that stimulate collagen to revolutionary discoveries for weight loss or the latest injectables that claim to take years off a person’s face.

How do you sort it all out? There are a few simple tips that almost anyone can use to start making changes that can lead to a healthier, more youthful and vibrant look.

Find out what they are after the jump! [continue reading…]

4 Easy Ways to Instantly Love Yourself and Be More Confident post image

It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere” ~Agnes Repplier

I was once a very foolish little lady and I know I’m not alone. I wanted a boyfriend more than anything. I never stopped to wonder why, I just wanted it. Now this isn’t gonna be a tale about how I wanted it and it didn’t happen and then when I stopped wanting it, it did. My desperation did somehow result in a relationship and from there, chaos ensued.

Saying I wanted a boyfriend had a very clear underlying message- I wanted to be loved, desired, to feel good about myself, to have someone there to make me feel good about myself when I didn’t. During the course of our relationship my moods were totally contingent upon the way he responded to me- a compliment would lead to exhilaration. An insult? Well I’d fall to pieces.

Not surprisingly, the relationship didn’t last and it was only in the years after that I realized the reason why: I was looking outside myself for love and approval, a fatal misstep I see committed all the time. After this relationship ended, I truly learned the value of loving myself, and I found that with my newfound confidence, I was a much happier person out of the relationship than I had ever been when I was in it.

[continue reading…]

Eating for Beauty post image

Eating for Beauty

It’s not just about the clothes you wear or the beauty products you use, true beauty truly comes from within and it’s what you put into, not onto, your body that can have the greatest impact on how you look and feel. Due to the incredible response it received in a previous post, I’ve decided to revisit the topic of eating for beauty.

I have to give a lot of the credit for my newfound healthy lifestyle to Envision Beauty founder Kimberly Snyder, who has helped me enormously with her infinite wisdom regarding health and nutrition. Since I started eating better, I have noticed a dramatic difference in the way I look and feel- my nails are longer and stronger, my hair is shinier, my complexion is clear, I rarely feel bloated, and I’ve noticed a huge increase in my energy and concentration levels!

Sure, there are professional detoxification services, but you don’t need to do a major diet overhaul to get these results.  Just take small strides by adding some healthier treats to your diet and trust me, you too will enjoy these fantastic results.

Read on for recommendations from Kimberly on foods to eat for a more beautiful you! [continue reading…]

Achieving your Goals post image

Achieving your Goals

Goals are an essential part of human existence. Our goals breathe meaning into our every day lives. They push us forward, drive us, motivate us, and inspire us to become even greater. I have many goals- some big, some small. Over the years I have accomplished many of my goals and there are some that I’m still working on. This blog, for instance, was a major goal of mine for years and for some reason, I was unable to lift the idea off the back burner and move forward with it. I have been giving the concept of goals a lot of thought lately and have uncovered some wonderful techniques that have helped me and will help you in attaining your goals and becoming the person you’ve always wanted to be.

Read on for more! [continue reading…]

Yoga Solutions For Body Aches and Pains post image

Stress is an inevitable part of our daily lives. We all know that stress can cause countless health issues and have all been advised to reduce our stress-levels, but as with most things, this is way easier said than done. I am a huge yoga-proponent for many reasons, especially the fact that it drastically helped reduce my level of stress and anxiety and all the body aches and pains associated with the two. Yoga isn’t just about increasing strength and flexibility, as you learned last week, simple yoga poses can be done at any time to combat daily aches, pains and frustrations. To help your days become better and brighter, I’m sharing 5 more poses to try, straight from YogaWorks instructor Irina Oviannikov.

Read on to find out how you can alleviate pain and tension in your wrists, hips, back, and shoulders and for an amazing technique to overcome your mid-day slump without a trip to Starbucks.

[continue reading…]

Solve Every Day Issues With Easy Yoga Poses post image

As you learned in my Small Steps for a More Gorgeous You post, I am an avid Yoga proponent. I’ll admit that I have been very on and off with Yoga through the years and during my ‘on’ periods, I notice that I feel and look so much better then when the off switch is hit. Yoga has a lot of Big-Picture benefits- increased strength, flexibility, better muscle tone as well as a glorious inner calm. There are also many quick and easy poses you can do whenever for insta-results to combat every day aches, pains, and frustrations.

Read on for tips from expert Yogi, Kathryn Budig, from Yoga Works, for suggestions on alleviating every day issues, be it sore and achy feet, commute-induced exhaustion, or the after-effects from a long night of partying. [continue reading…]


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