Articles by Vineetha Reddy

Pimple Cures: 5 Home Remedies to Zap Zits post image

Adolescence was a hard time for most of us. Besides dealing with raging hormones, embarrassing body changes and emotional outbursts, there were the zitsjust one more hardship among many that teenage life had to offer.

Unfortunately, skin problems arent always left behind in adolescence. Breakouts and acne continue to haunt a lot of us, even in our 20s and 30s. Ive been battling with a constant outbreak of pimples for as long as I can remember. I tried going the traditional beauty product way, and when that didn’t work I tried prescription medications. Though these solutions would help to alleviate my condition temporarily, my skin would always eventually revert to its previous red, bumpy, irritated state.

I could never find a permanent cure for my problem. Having exhausted all other options, I started looking into home remedies and was pleasantly shocked by the results I got.

Here are the top five home remedies that have done wonders to help me fight my pimple problems:

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